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Revue Starlight Wiki
QLeft The days of glory are in the past. Among the tedious, unchanging days where only lives are lost through war between the stars. Looking up from the desolate Moon Empire – the "Empress" waits for someone. From "Performance Festival" Play - Act 5. QRight

(Part 1 and Part 2 of Arcana Arcadia Stage Girl bond stories are viewable in the Gallery under Arcana Arcadia - Intermission.)

My Empress

Frontier Student A:
...Okay, the waist is done.

Frontier Student B:
Let's move on to the inside leg.

Frontier Student A:
Stand still while I measure it.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:

Frontier Student B:
Here we go... Wow! Liu-san, your legs are so long!

Frontier Student A:
Wow, they really are! Everyone at Siegfeld is so stylish!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
M-Me stylish...?!

Frontier Student B:
Liu-san, please don't move!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Ah...! Sorry!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Oh, you can just call me Mei Fan by the way!

Frontier Student B:
Got it, Mei Fan-san.

Frontier Student B:
Well... Inside leg is... About this long.

Frontier Student A:
Let me write it down.

Frontier Student A:
That should do it. We've measured everything we need for the costume.

Frontier Student B:
Mei Fan-san, measurements are finished. Thank you for your patience.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Thank you!

Frontier Student A:
We'll all work on your costume, so look forward to it!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I'm already excited!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
...Preparations for the "Performance Festival" stage construction have finally started.

Frontier Student A:
That's exactly right!

Frontier Student B:
I-I'm a first year student, so I'm super nervous already...!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
So am I! I feel so honored being able to participate in such a long-standing tradition, but at the same time I feel so nervous!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
T-That's why...


Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Is it really okay for a first year student like me to perform in the festival...?

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I still can't believe they cast me as the "Empress" – it being such a powerful and important role...

Frontier Student A:
Stop! Stop!

Frontier Student A:
Didn't the production team tell you that not to let other people know your role until the script reading starts?

Frontier Student B:
You never know who's listening. Be careful!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I-I almost forgot!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
That said...I don't feel confident about my role. And the fact that I can't discuss it with anyone doesn't help...

Frontier Student A:
Well, just trust the production team for now. I for one think it's an interesting idea.

Frontier Student B:
Me too! Not knowing what will happen adds to the excitement!

Frontier Student A:
Thinking about it too much won't help you. Work with what you have, as I'm sure the people backstage and the other performers are in the same position.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Yeah, you're right.

Frontier Student A:
We'll make the coolest costume for you, so make sure you'll give your best as the "Empress"!

Frontier Student B:
Don't do anything to alter the measurements, all right? No binging and no diets allowed!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I'll make sure to stick to my usual portions!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Thank you so much for taking my measurements today!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Can I really perform the "Empress" well...?

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
This is the first draft of the "Performance Festival" script. The title hasn't been decided yet...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
A play with a tarot card theme... A timeless epic consisting of six acts... That's all I know.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
It's so thick. I can only imagine how much the team has poured their souls in making it...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
The "Empress" makes her appearance in the fifth act. The stage is set in a far away future where a war has taken place between the Moon and the Earth...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
"...And so it is that another night has passed..."

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
"The pouring light is dim, and the wind feels stale."

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
"Yet another day has passed where many old warriors have lost their lives on the battlefield. New warriors will take their places today."

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
"I cannot remember when this war started... I can't see when it will end..."

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
"And yet I put on my crimson dress, and wear this golden crown..."

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
"I see the flashing lights of the cannons around the Moon's orbit as usual. I did so yesterday and I will do so tomorrow, for who knows how much longer."

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
"When did this war start...?"

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
"How much longer will I have to wait on this throne for 'someone'...?"

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
The "Empress" awaits for "someone" on the throne of a lunar empire ravaged by war... That's my role.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
No matter how many times I read the script, I can't wrap my head around it.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
All her lines feel pompous and grave...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I feel that her role is too much for me...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
The Empress's upright position means prosperity, fertility, marriage, and womanly charm.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Its reversed position means waste, futility, breaking off an engagement.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Breaking off an engagement...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
How am I supposed to express that in my role...?

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
*sigh* If only I could ask Yachiyo for advice...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I know I'm not supposed to talk about my role, but I feel this is just too much for me.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
W-Wait! I know a way.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I know exactly who I can model my role after...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
And she's perfect!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Okay, off to rehearsals!

For Whom the Throne Stands

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
"...And so it is that another night has passed..."

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
"The pouring light is dim, and the wind feels stale."

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
"Yet another day has passed where many old warriors have lost their lives on the battlefield. New warriors will take their places today."

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Whew... Yes, that felt right. I feel more confident in my role now!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
When I heard "Empress", I thought of Wu Zetian.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Empress Dowager Cixi and Empress Zhangsun would have been a good reference for my role too, but then...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I remembered that there's an even better model here in Siegfeld.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
An absolute ruler who stands on top... Our king – Frau Platin, Akira Yukishiro!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I was right in thinking Akira-san's acting would be a perfect example to model my role after.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
If I keep practicing, I'm sure I'll—

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
Be able to act exactly like Akira?

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Eek! M-Michiru-san?! How long have you been there?!

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
Heh heh. Guess.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Don't tell me you heard everything...

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
Let's just say I didn't hear everything, nor was I trying to.

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
After all, we aren't supposed to know which roles we're playing for the Performance Festival, right?

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
And yet... I just couldn't wrap around my head around my role without discussing it with someone...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
So after many tries, I came up with an idea.

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
I see.

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
And that is...

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
To imitate Akira?

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Yes, exactly. Wait, what?

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
Isn't that what you're trying to do?

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
N-No, I could never...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I-Is that how it sounded?

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
To me at least.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
Mei Fan...

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
I know it's hard to act without having any hints. That's why it's good to find one yourself.

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
That said, this first draft of the script is filled with passion and challenges.

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
Even in its rough form, it's still an amazing script. That's what I think.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
So do I...

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
I don't know which role you're playing, but...considering your lines and actions, the card's upright and reserved positions...

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
There should already be plenty of hints to help you create your role.

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
With all that said, do you think it's a good fit to model your role specifically after someone..?

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
...! That's...

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
Both the production team and the screenwriting team are composed of elite students from different schools, right?

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
And they chose YOU for that role...

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
They chose Liu Mei Fan, rather than Akira Yukishiro.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
I think you should keep that in mind too.

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
In the end, you might end up with a performance that resembles Akira's...

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
But pointing in that direction from the start, and arriving at that spot through trial and error while finding your own path are two different things.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Finding my own...path...

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
Exactly – the role within yourself.

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
I want you to find it, and I know that you can do it...

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
That's why I casted you.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
We are the Edels – five students chosen from all the students in Siegfeld.

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
We stand on stage carrying a responsibility – something that all the students who weren't given that chance entrusted us with.

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
So please...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Y-You're right...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I-I'm sorry...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
...I was so stupid!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I chose the easiest path without even realizing that...!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan: still so immature.

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
Mei Fan...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I still don't...understand...!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
"And yet I put on my crimson dress, and wear this golden crown..."

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Those words – they're not something someone who doesn't understand would say.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
They're something someone who understands their own ignorance would say. You can feel their resignation...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
They're not something someone powerless would say.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
They're something someone who understands their own powerlessness would say. That's why they try their hardest to do what they can...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Her lines feel pompous and grave...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
And yet, she knows she's powerless and laments this... She struggles to change her position.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Is this... Is this how I'm supposed to perform the "Empress"...?!

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
Mei Fan?

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Huh? Ah, it's nothing...!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
...Thank you so much, Michiru-san. I had it all wrong.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I focused too much on her position as "Empress" without properly reading her lines.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I didn't see the conflict and hesitation hidden underneath her words...

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
Mei Fan...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Like you said, all the hints I needed were in the script...

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
...Maybe it was none of my business.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Not at all! If you hadn't stepped in, I would've gone astray.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I feel that I know where I should head now.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I can see my own path!

Michiru (icon) Michiru:
Heh heh... And that's why you're Frau Rubin.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I can finally confront the "Empress" thanks to you.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
That said, I wonder how many more times I will be able to receive your advice...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
One day, the "king" will no longer be there.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
We won't be able to stand on the same stage together as Edels many more times.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I can't keep on running after you all.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I have to perform on stage without any regrets...

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
I will find her. I will find the "Empress" within me!

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
Did I capture her dignity and beauty well?

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
The "Empress" isn't just strong and beautiful – and that's why she's so charming.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
She's beautiful, majestic and dignified, but also... sad at times.

Meifan (icon) Mei Fan:
By unravelling her sadness, I can perform an "Empress" that's my own!
