Revue Starlight Wiki
Revue Starlight Wiki

Karen (icon) Karen:
Ngh! That was a productive day! Hikari-chan, Mahiru-chan, let's head back!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Sure, Karen-chan.

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
...I'm hungry.

Junna (icon) Junna:
Hold on a minute!

Karen (icon) Karen:
Whoa, Jun-Jun!?

Junna (icon) Junna:
Karen, you were supposed to hand in a 50-word personal statement for the Performance Festival by today. You haven't done that yet!

Karen (icon) Karen:
Huh? Oh... Oh! I completely forgot!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
You're a lost cause, Karen.

Junna (icon) Junna:
You haven't submitted yours either, Kagura-san.

Hikari (icon) Hikari:

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
You're both so forgetful, sheesh. And Karen is too scatterbrained for her own good. Well, let's get going, Futaba-han.

Junna (icon) Junna:
Hanayagi-san, yours is also overdue.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Say what!? Didn't I tell you to get it done last night, Kaoruko!?

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Oops... You got me.

Junna (icon) Junna:
Come on, guys... I know you're all busy with practice, but make sure to submit things by the deadline!


Junna (icon) Junna:
Here I was thinking that you've made good progress, but some things never seem to change...

Nana (icon) Nana:
Teehee! You know, everyone's statements will be included in the Performance Festival pamphlet. With photos!

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Our photos will be in it, too!?

Karen (icon) Karen:
Does that mean it'll be...our debut as Stage Girls?

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
A debut? I guess you could call it that. Maybe I should rewrite my submission...

Karen (icon) Karen:
Hey, what sort of stuff did you guys write?

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
"Bonjour! Je suis Claudine Saijo. I've been chosen to represent Seisho Music Academy for the second consecutive year."

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
"I will deliver top-class entertainment, making use of my abilities cultivated through many years of experience as a child actress."

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
That's what I wrote. Does it sound too formal? Show me yours, Maya Tendo.

Maya (icon) Maya:
"My name is Maya Tendo. Year to year, day to day, I strive to shine ever brighter as a star."

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
That's even stiffer than mine... Kind of expected it, though.

Karen (icon) Karen:
Your statements are so slick. How about you, Mahiru-chan?

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
"I'm Mahiru Tsuyuzaki from Seisho Music Academy. I was really surprised to be chosen for the National Student Drama Performance Festival."

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
"I promise to do my best!" That's it.

Karen (icon) Karen:
That's nice, and so totally like you!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Oh... You're making me self-conscious...

Junna (icon) Junna:
Just for your reference, mine goes like this.

Junna (icon) Junna:
"Greetings. I'm Junna Hoshimi, class representative and a second-year Group A student at Seisho Music Academy. There is a quote dear to my heart, which has guided me in my stage arts aspirations."

Junna (icon) Junna:
"The quote is 'Be prepared. An opportunity will eventually present itself,' by William Shakespeare."

Junna (icon) Junna:
"With this quote in mind, I've been working hard every day, and the culmination of my efforts is this year's National Student Drama Performance Festival."

Junna (icon) Junna:
"That I am part of this brilliant performance is proof that my endeavors have led me in the right direction..."

Nana (icon) Nana:
Uh, Junna-chan... Isn't that way over the word limit?

Junna (icon) Junna:
Really!? Oh no, which partdo I leave out...?

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
And what did you write, Futaba?

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Doesn't really matter.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
You submitted it without showing me... I guess it was just that good?

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
All I wrote was "I'm Futaba Isurugi. It's my first time in the Performance Festival. I'll do my best!"

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
...Seriously? How boring can you get? You should've made it a bit more, you know...

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
You're one to talk. You haven't even written yours!

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Oh! Eureka! It just came to me.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
"I'm Kaoruko Hanayagi of the Senka-ryu School of traditional Japanese dance. I hope you will enjoy the play I will be starring in."

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
How's that supposed to be better than mine? Besides, the roles haven't been decided yet.

Karen (icon) Karen:
And yours, Banana? Tell me, tell me!

Nana (icon) Nana:

Nana (icon) Nana:
"I'm Nana Daiba from Seisho Music Academy. This year, nine Seisho Music Academy students have been chosen for the festival!"

Nana (icon) Nana:
"I hope everything goes well and we can put on a wonderful show." Do you think it's weird?

Karen (icon) Karen:
Not at all! And it suits you perfectly, Banana!

Karen (icon) Karen:
All right, I feel ready to write my own! Right, Hikari-chan?

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
I...can't. I'm not good at this.

Karen (icon) Karen:

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
How about we all help you with it, Hikari-chan?

Maya (icon) Maya:
Don 't think too much about it. Just be true to yourself.

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
True to myself...

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
That's right. Write your own thoughts, whatever pops into your mind.

Hikari (icon) Hikari:

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
"I'm Hikari Kagura. Inspired by 'Starlight,' which I saw as a child, I'm aiming to become a star myself."

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
"I feel honored to be chosen for the Performance Festival." Would that be okay?

Karen (icon) Karen:
That's amazing! Okay, my turn...

Karen (icon) Karen:
"I'm Karen Aijo from Seisho Music Academy!" Er...

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:

Karen (icon) Karen:
I don't know what to write next! It's so hard! How do I talk about my moderation!?

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
I think it's "motivation," Karen-chan.

Karen (icon) Karen:
Motivation, huh... Okay!

Karen (icon) Karen:
"I'm Karen Aijo from Seisho Music Academy. I'm super excited about the play!"

Karen (icon) Karen:
"Stage Girls get better day by day! We're going to put on a show full of brilliance!"

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Wow, Karen-chan, that's really great!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
Yes. It's very good.

Karen (icon) Karen:
Okay, I'll go with this then! Here you go, Jun-Jun!

Junna (icon) Junna:
Ugh... It's still too long... Maybe I can shorten this... No, I should remove this bit...

Karen (icon) Karen:
Jun-Jun, are you listening!?

Junna (icon) Junna:
Huh? Oh, your statement! Okay, now I have everyone's.

Junna (icon) Junna:
I'll take them to the event staff. Look forward to seeing them in print!

Karen (icon) Karen:

Nana (icon) Nana:
Junna-chan, make sure yours is within the word limit!

Junna (icon) Junna:
I don't need you to tell me that!


Karen (icon) Karen:
What are we going to do about our winter break assignment?

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
No wonder we've been told to build up stamina... I can barely stay on my feet after fighting practice...

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
But let's work on it together, Karen-chan! Oh, I know. How about we mark each completed day with a sticker?

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
I have Jagahiru stickers!

Karen (icon) Karen:
Jagahiru's the mascot character of your hometown, right? In Hokkaido? It's adorbs! Kinda resembles you!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Hehehe... Grandma says so, too!

Karen (icon) Karen:
All right, what do we do for starters?

Karen (icon) Karen:
Huff... Huff...

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Ugh... Huh...

Karen (icon) Karen:
Huff... Huff...

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Huff... Sorry, Karen-chan... I'm spent!

Karen (icon) Karen:
That's two laps around the park. Let's call it a day! We've powered up!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Two laps isn't very far. I don't think it's enough...

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
One! Two! Three! Four!

Karen (icon) Karen:
Five! Six! Seven... Eight... Ugh.

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Are you okay, Karen-chan!?

Karen (icon) Karen:
I tripped... Lemme try this again!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Let's take it slower this time. One, two, three, four...

Karen (icon) Karen:
Five, six, seven, eight... Ugh.

Karen (icon) Karen:
I'm not cut out for skipping rope.

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
No, that's not true! Your shoelace got caught, that's all! But we don't want you getting hurt, so let's try something else!

Karen (icon) Karen:
Something else? Oh, I have an idea!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
What is it, Karen-chan? Why did we hurry back to the dorm?

Karen (icon) Karen:
Over here! Ta-dah!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
What are we going to do in the kitchen?

Karen (icon) Karen:

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Okay, it's ready!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Here come German fries, made with potatoes grown by my parents back home!

Karen (icon) Karen:
I'm digging in!

Karen (icon) Karen:
*munch munch* Mahiru-hyan, ith delifus! Powew wup!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
I'm happy you like it!

Karen (icon) Karen:
It's so good, and fortifying! That's a win-win!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
...You're going to put on more than just muscle mass from that.

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Oh, Hikari-chan! You're welcome to have some, too...

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
I'm full, thanks.

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Oh... She's gone.

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
She's right, though. If we don't exercise, we won't be Stage Girls... We'll be Stage Potatoes!

Karen (icon) Karen:
Um, yeah! I'll work out when I finish my food!

Karen (icon) Karen:
You ready, Mahiru-chan? Here I go! Hyah!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
You're really good at badminton, Karen-chan! Back to you!

Karen (icon) Karen:
Oh, sorry! It went too far to the right!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
No worries, I'll get it! There!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
We're in perfect sync. And it's good exercise!

Karen (icon) Karen:
I'm loving it! This I won't be getting tired of so easily. Take that!

Karen (icon) Karen:
I'm still going strong! It's a home run!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Your smashes are amazing!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
(I think she might have some hidden talent at this!)

Karen (icon) Karen:
Ninth inning with two outs... It's a walk-off home run!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Karen-chan, that's baseball, isn't it?

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Kaoruko! Hurry up, Kaoruko!

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Just give me a moment!

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Come on, get a move on. If we don't make it there fast, all the limited edition candy will be sold out.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
I know that...

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Meh, it's cold today. I don't want to go any more.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Look, I'm not going on my own. YOU told me to get the bike out.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
I just wanted to complain a little, that's all. You carp about everything like my grandma...

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Huh? What was that?

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Never mind!

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
It's unusual for you to get gifts for your family, though. But it's nice that you're kind to them sometimes.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
I'm just hoping that giving them a little attention will pay off, that's all.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Ah, I get it now.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Oh, Futaba-han. I left my phone at the dorm.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
I asked you so many times to make sure you had everything... Sheesh. Okay, just keep close to me.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
No need for that, it's not like I'd get lost.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
It'll be a pain in the neck if we get separated. Come on, Kaoruko.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
What, you want to hold hands?

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Easy to get lost in the crowd.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
That's embarrassing! I'm not a child! But if you really insist, I guess I can do it for you. There.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
I just don't want you to get lost, that's all!

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Okay, here we are.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Oh, how cute. Look at this camellia key ring.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Yeah, these handmade fabric flowers are really well-made.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
And where's the shop we're going to?

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
It's in the food area in the basement. Let's go down the escalator over there.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
There it is, Futaba-han! That's the shop, Mangetsu-do!

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Excuse me... Can I get as many of the limited edition Mangetsu Uguisu Mochi as you have?

We have only one box left, is that all right?

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Futaba-han, that's the last one!

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Yes, we'll take it!

Thank you. Come again!

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
We made it in the nick of time...

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
I'm glad we managed to get it. Your grandma is crazy about this mochi.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Look, they sell yummy-looking glazed dango over there. I think it's time for a snack, don't you think, Futaba-han?

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
I knew this would happen...

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Hello. Two glazed dango, please.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
The monaka over there looks good, too. Let's buy some for Tendo-han and the others.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Excuse me, can we have a box of ten monaka, please?

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
And that too...

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
We're buying too much stuff... Are you still going to buy more? Wait, Kaoruko? Ka-o-ru-ko!

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Drat, she's gone!

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
We have to get that yokan, too... Huh? Futaba-han? Where's she gone?

Why did you have to get lost in the crowd, Futaba-han? The things I have to put up with for you!

Lost Child Center:
Customer announcement... Futaba Isurugi-sama, please come to the lost and found desk. Kaoruko Hanayagi-sama is waiting for you.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Wait, me!?

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
The lost and found, huh? She's getting smarter.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Lost and found? Why are you making it sound like I got lost!? It was Futaba-han who got lost!

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Hey, Kaoruko! Hey, don't get so mad, you're being a nuisance to the staff.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
They damaged the reputation of my family with their insinuations. You're the one that got lost, Futaba-han.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
*sigh* Yeah, sure, all my fault. Let's go now. There's another place I want to stop by before we go home.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
...The shop with the camellia key rings?

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Yeah. I thought we might get matching ones.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Hmph. Fine, I suppose.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
We'll be like Karen-han and Kagura-han.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
I'll take this purple one.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
I'll get...the pink one.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Let me pay for both. I don't mind doing that sometimes.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Huh? Are you sure, Kaoruko?

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
You helped me out today, after all. Thanks, Futaba-han.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Ugh, it's so chilly! But I've got to practice, even if just for a bit...

Karen (icon) Karen:
Clau-chan! Poncho!

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Bonjour... Something wrong, Karen? What are you doing at 5 in the morning on a day off!?

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Are you sick?

Karen (icon) Karen:
Nope! Winter break starts today, and I got so excited about going home that I couldn't sleep. Teehee!

Karen (icon) Karen:
So I got up early, but the trains aren't running yet.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Seriously? I got worried for nothing. I thought we still had classes or something.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Have a safe journey home, Karen. Take care. Bon voyage!

Karen (icon) Karen:
Yeah, and Happy New Year!

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Today... Huff, huff...

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
I won't be outdone by Maya Tendo.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Am I the first one here...?

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Well, of course I am. I left before she did for sure...

Maya (icon) Maya:
Good morning.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Whoa! How come you're already here!?

Maya (icon) Maya:
You seemed to be having a nice chat with Aijo-san, so I came ahead.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:

Maya (icon) Maya:
Is this really what you want to be competitive about?

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Ugh, I know it doesn't matter. I just wanted to get here before you at least once before the end of the year.

Maya (icon) Maya:
Heh... I won't slack off even for a day. Shall we push each other to new heights today as well, Claudine Saijo?

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
No need to ask, Maya Tendo.

Maya (icon) Maya:

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Huff... Oh, it's so late already.

Maya (icon) Maya:
We had a good session.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Huff... Huff... Good work.


Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Huh? Did you hear something just now, by the door?

Maya (icon) Maya:
Don't tell me it's...a ghost?

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
I'll check it out.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Wait, what the heck!?

Maya (icon) Maya:

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
The door's locked from the other side!

Maya (icon) Maya:
Well... We have more time to practice now, I suppose.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Ca m'embéte! How can you be so calm!?

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
What do we do if no one lets us out? I've got a flight to Paris tonight!

Maya (icon) Maya:
Ah, that's a problem. Let's contact Hoshimi-san.

Maya (icon) Maya:
Neither Hoshimi-san nor Daiba-san is picking up...

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Thanks. It's okay... If I don't make the flight, I'll figure out what to do then.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
There's still some time. I'm sure Junna will notice the call.

Maya (icon) Maya:
Hopefully. While we're waiting...

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
What? Huh? Baumkuchen cake?

Maya (icon) Maya:
Voila! Please have some, Saijo-san. It's easy to become irritated when you're hungry.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
But you only have one cake...

Maya (icon) Maya:
You're welcome to it.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Okay then, let's cut it in half.

Maya (icon) Maya:
...As you wish.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Mmm... It's so good!

Maya (icon) Maya:
The light texture and rich taste of this baumkuchen goes very well with black tea.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
I can see that! Makes you want a cup of strong Assam tea.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
...You get talkative when it comes to sweets, don't you?

Maya (icon) Maya:
Heh... Delicious food loosens the tongue.

♪ ♪ ♪

Maya (icon) Maya:
Oh, it's from Hoshimi-san.

Maya (icon) Maya:
Tendo speaking... Yes... Yes... Thanks so much.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
What did she say?

Maya (icon) Maya:
She's coming here. Do you think you'll make it for your flight?

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Yes, if I leave soon.

Maya (icon) Maya:
I'm relieved to hear that.

Maya (icon) Maya:
Take care, Claudine Saijo. Don't let up on your practice while you're in France.

Junna (icon) Junna:
Ahh, I had a nice soak.

Nana (icon) Nana:
Ngh... Zzz...

Junna (icon) Junna:
Huh? Nana?

Junna (icon) Junna:
You can't sleep here! You'll catch a cold!

Nana (icon) Nana:
Huh? Oh, it's you, Junna-chan. Did I nod off?

Junna (icon) Junna:
This is really unlike you. Are you turning into Karen? Look, your notes are all crumpled.

Nana (icon) Nana:
Whoa, they are, aren't they?

Junna (icon) Junna:
Is something wrong? You were working at your desk until really late yesterday.

Nana (icon) Nana:
It's a secret... But I guess I can tell you.

Nana (icon) Nana:
You see... I started writing a play.

Junna (icon) Junna:

Nana (icon) Nana:
I won't have much time when school starts again, so I'm trying to get some writing done over the winter break.

Junna (icon) Junna:
That's terrific! Masai-san from Group B was saying that you have a knack for script-writing!

Nana (icon) Nana:
I want to become a New Banana!

Junna (icon) Junna:
Nana... Yes, you should definitely keep writing.

Junna (icon) Junna:
By the way, what's this play about?

Nana (icon) Nana:
So, um... It's set on an imaginary tropical island where people live happily. I have a general idea of the plot, but...

Junna (icon) Junna:
You're stuck, huh?

Nana (icon) Nana:
Yes... When I started writing, it just seemed so unrealistic.

Junna (icon) Junna:
Ah, I see. Okay, Nana. I'm going to do all I can to help you!

Nana (icon) Nana:

Junna (icon) Junna:
We're going out tomorrow, Nana! We're going scenario hunting!

Nana (icon) Nana:
Uh, scenario hunting?

Junna (icon) Junna:
...And so here we are.

Nana (icon) Nana:
What are we doing at the library?

Junna (icon) Junna:
"Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven."

Nana (icon) Nana:
That's a quote by Shakespeare.

Junna (icon) Junna:
Here you can get all kinds of information like the history of tropical islands and pictures, too.

Nana (icon) Nana:
I see... To write a story, first I need to know about the setting and the people who live there.

Junna (icon) Junna:
I'll go find you some books that might help, but you can read this while you wait.

Nana (icon) Nana:
"Life in the Tropics"? When did you find this?

Nana (icon) Nana:
Hmm... There's a lot about indigenous spirituality here.

Nana (icon) Nana:
The beliefs shaped the lives of the people...

Nana (icon) Nana:

Junna (icon) Junna:
I found some books for you. This should do for now.

Nana (icon) Nana:
One, two, three... Eleven books? That's going to take me some time to read through.

Junna (icon) Junna:
Here you have a photobook, this covers ethnohistory, and this is modern history. And a fantasy novel set in the tropics, in two volumes...

Nana (icon) Nana:
Thank you, Junna-chan! You're amazing.

Junna (icon) Junna:
You were really concentrating, weren't you? We'd better go back pretty soon.

Nana (icon) Nana:
Yes. Thanks to you, I feel like I can write again!

Junna (icon) Junna:
Then the scenario hunt was a success!

Nana (icon) Nana:
Thank you, Junna-chan. You spent so much time helping me.

Junna (icon) Junna:
You don't have to thank me for that.

Junna (icon) Junna:
It's always you supporting me all the time...

Nana (icon) Nana:
Huh? Sorry, I didn't catch that.

Junna (icon) Junna:
Ahem... You've helped me a lot too, so I'm just repaying the favor.

Junna (icon) Junna:
I want to be of some use to you, too.

Nana (icon) Nana:
But I haven't done much for you...

Junna (icon) Junna:
Just you being here makes a huge difference to all of us. You have this good energy.

Junna (icon) Junna:
I really appreciate that you shared your secret with me.

Nana (icon) Nana:
And I'd like to thank you for making me realize I don't have to go it alone.

Nana (icon) Nana:
I understood that I'm not all on my own thanks to all of you. But please don't tell anyone else about the play yet!

Junna (icon) Junna:
Sure. It's our secret.

Karen (icon) Karen:
Hey, Jun-Jun! Banana! Helloes! Karen Aijo is back from her trip home!

Karen (icon) Karen:
And where have you two been?

It's a secret!

Karen (icon) Karen:
Whaaat? Why? No harm telling me where you went, come on!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Karen-chan and Hikari-chan, are you done changing yet?

Karen (icon) Karen:
Ngh... Banana... I'll have another bowl of rice... Nom nom... Zzz...

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
Karen, you've got rice stuck on your cheek... Zzz...

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Yikes, they're both asleep again!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Gosh, your school uniforms will get all crumpled! Get up already! New Year's over, you know!


Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Are you awake now? I want to air the bedding and clean the room. You two are always making a mess...

Karen (icon) Karen:
You're like our mom, Mahiru-chan!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
I'm not your mom!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Weren't you supposed to go out today?

Karen (icon) Karen:
(Oh yeah, that's right!) How could I forget? Come on, Hikari-chan. Let's go!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
Huh? Were we going somewhere today, Karen?

Karen (icon) Karen:
Don 't think about it too much!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
I hope she can pull it off... It won't be easy, but use those acting skills, Karen-chan.

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
Where are we going, Karen?

Karen (icon) Karen:
To the rehearsal room! I got all rusty over the winter break. Let's get some practice in!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
I'll need to go back and get my leotard then.

Karen (icon) Karen:
Okay, let's head back to the dorm...

Nana (icon) Nana:
Remember I'm going to be using the kitchen until evening.

Karen (icon) Karen:
Aaactually, no! We can't go back! I mean, it's too much trouble. Let's go somewhere else!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:

Karen (icon) Karen:
I just remembered I wanted to go shopping.

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
So we're going to the mall?

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Karen, you absolutely must not come anywhere near the shopping mall on that day.

Karen (icon) Karen:
Oh! We can't... She said we can't go near the mall today!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
Who said that?

Karen (icon) Karen:
I umm... I read that in my horoscope! It's a big non, non!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
That was an even bigger "non, non" than usual... How about we go to the aquarium?

Karen (icon) Karen:
Good idea, we can get there by train easily--

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
We'll be going to the variety store in the station building, so don't use the station.

Karen (icon) Karen:
That's a non, non...

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
...Let's go to the park.

Karen (icon) Karen:
The park? The park is... Absolutely okay!

Karen (icon) Karen:
What are they doing over there?

Here we have a completely normal balloon! Now I twist it this way...and that way... Voila! A doggy!

Karen (icon) Karen:
Wow! Hikari-chan, this guy's incredible!

Karen (icon) Karen:
Excuse me! I'd like to become your apprentice!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
Ah, Karen! She's doesn't hesitate, that's for sure.

First, this is how you inflate a balloon...

Karen (icon) Karen:
Inflate the balloon...

Karen (icon) Karen:
Sorry to keep you waiting! Here, this is for you!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
Mr. White balloon art?

Karen (icon) Karen:
I made it for you, Hikari-chan. All yours!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:

Karen (icon) Karen:
My master's sample was much better than mine... Next time I'll try harder to make it even nicer!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:

Karen (icon) Karen:
Did you get bored, Hikari-chan?

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
No, it was fun watching you. And I got this Mr. White.

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
Thank you, Karen.

Karen (icon) Karen:
You're welcome!

Karen (icon) Karen:
It's evening already. Let's go back, Hikari-chan!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
You sure it's okay now?

Karen (icon) Karen:
Yeah, probably!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
All right...

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
(Karen is terrible at hiding things...)

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Is this going to work?

Junna (icon) Junna:
I don't know...

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
The cooking team will be all right, but I'm worried about Kaoruko, and Karen with her diversionary mission.

Junna (icon) Junna:
Yeah, me too. Especially about Karen.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
She has to keep Hikari away from the dorm for the day, but also has to avoid the train station and shopping mall...

Junna (icon) Junna:
And she has to do that without arousing suspicion. This may be really hard for Karen.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Anyhow, we've got our own task to accomplish.

Junna (icon) Junna:
Yes. The shop's on the third floor!

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
You're so reliable, Hoshimi. Everything's easier with you around.

Junna (icon) Junna:
Hanayagi-san would get mad at you for saying that.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
But it's true. When I came here with her the other day, she got lost.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Kaoruko better not be causing any trouble for Clau-ko and Tendo...

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Achoo! Someone's talking about me... I bet it's Futaba-han getting anxious because I'm not with her.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Maybe she's happy to get a break from you.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
I will have none of that.

Junna (icon) Junna:
Oh no, what an oversight on my part! It's sold out!

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
It must be pretty popular, I guess.

Junna (icon) Junna:
Well, we have to find another shop. All eight of us decided THAT is what we're getting...

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
No worries, let's check out the station building shops.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Let's see... I think it's on the second floor.

Junna (icon) Junna:
I can't believe they're sold out, too... What do we do now?

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
We still have time. It's too early to give up. Let's check the shopping district.

Junna (icon) Junna:
You're a very positive person, Isurugi-san.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Am I?

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Kaoruko used to be super contrary, so I had no choice but to counter that with a can-do attitude.

Junna (icon) Junna:
That makes sense... It's worthy of respect, really.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
...Achoo! Achoo!

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
My, my. Is Futaba gossiping about you again?

Maya (icon) Maya:
They say two sneezes mean someone's bad-mouthing you.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
She's probably griping about you.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Why do both of you have to be so nasty? There's no way Futaba-han would say anything bad about me!

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
If any shop around here's got it, it's probably the one on the corner there.

Junna (icon) Junna:
Excuse me, we're looking for something...

Junna (icon) Junna:
I see. You're out of stock...

Junna (icon) Junna:
Oh, but you'll check which stores have it? Thank you so much!

Junna (icon) Junna:
Isurugi-san, we're going back to the shopping mall! Someone cancelled an order and they have one left!

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
All right! Let's go!

Junna (icon) Junna:
Huff... Huff... You seem to be holding up well, despite all this walking.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
This is nothing compared to fighting sequence practice.

Thank you, have a nice day!

Junna (icon) Junna:
Yay! We finally got it!

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Whew! Good for us. Mission accomplished!

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
That took way longer than expected. I didn't think it would be this hard.

Junna (icon) Junna:
Now we just need some wrapping paper. Which color do you think Kagura-san likes?

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Out of these, maybe the blue one?

Junna (icon) Junna:
Blue wrapping and a red ribbon, then?

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Let's make it fancier and go with a golden ribbon!

Junna (icon) Junna:
Oh yes, that will look good!

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
It's her special day, after all.

Junna (icon) Junna:
It's bulkier than I thought. Isn't it heavy, Isurugi-san?

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Not a problem! Your hands are full anyway, so I'll carry this.

Junna (icon) Junna:
It's helpful that you're so strong. You carry Hanayagi-san's bags every day, don't you?

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Lately she's started carrying her stuff herself, actually.

Junna (icon) Junna:
Wow, that's amazing progress. I mean, for her. To most people it's normal...

Junna (icon) Junna:
Well, we've done our part. Now we pray that things are going well for the others.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Let's hurry back, before Karen returns with Hikari.

Junna (icon) Junna:
Yes, and maybe we can help with the cooking or decorations. And we have to wrap the gift, too!

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
*snip snip*

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Ugh, I can't do this! My delicate fingers weren't made for this sort of work.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Holding a paper fan is the most I can do!

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
You chose this yourself, because it seemed like the easiest thing to do.

Maya (icon) Maya:
You just need to cut along the lines.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Maybe that's why Kaoruko is bad at coupés in ballet, too.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
What does that have to do with cutting?

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Coupé in French means "cutting."

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Ah. Well, the letters A, P, B, and R are the worst. How am I supposed to cut out the middle bits?

Maya (icon) Maya:
Would you prefer to make kanji characters instead?

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Don't be silly.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Once you're done cutting out the letters, put them up on the wall, Kaoruko. And what are you doing? Origami?

Maya (icon) Maya:
You fold the paper many times over... Then cut it like this...

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
It looks random to me.

Maya (icon) Maya:
Then you unfold it again...

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
C'est quoi ca! How did you do that!? It's a bird!

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Your paper art is amazing. I'm making paper flowers. I finished this many already! Quick, huh?

Maya (icon) Maya:
You're getting better at it. Well done.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
You can't help sounding patronizing, huh? Well, fine.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Huff, huff...

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
How about that? The balloon I inflated is bigger! I win when it comes to lung capacity!

Maya (icon) Maya:

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Hey, say something.

Maya (icon) Maya:
Wouldn't it be more visually appealing if all the balloons were the same size?

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Urgh... You're right.

Maya (icon) Maya:
A bit higher. Slightly to the left. Yes, that's it.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
This the right spot? Hey, Maya, can you pass me some tacks?

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
It looks pretty now that the festoons and balloons are up.

Maya (icon) Maya:
And there are delicious smells coming from the kitchen, too.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Yes, it's all going well. ...What's up with that quizzical look, Kaoruko?

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
How to put it... I can't tell if you two get along or not.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
You think we get along!?

Maya (icon) Maya:
Why, don't we?

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Did you think we get along!?

Maya (icon) Maya:
I thought so, Claudine Saijo.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Oh. Well... That's okay then.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
You two really do get along...

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
By the way, I'm done cutting out the letters. See? "HAPPY"!

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
That's all you've done? What about the rest?

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
I'll get started with the next word now...

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
You'll get started? Look at the time!

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
It'll be fine. Any minute now...

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Kaoruko! I'm back!

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
There she is. Futaba-han will do the rest.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Say what!? You haven't finished your work? I knew this would happen.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Why was I put on decoration duty, anyway? All this detailed cutting and snipping...

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Then what else do you think you're more suited for?

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Food tasting, maybe? Anyway, Futaba, I'll leave the snipping to you.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
...Guess I've got no choice.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Heh! All done! How's it look?

Maya (icon) Maya:
It's beautiful... You're very talented, Isurugi-san.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Thanks to your help, we finished putting up the decorations in time. You should thank Futaba, Kaoruko.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
I wasn't born for hard work. It's not that I can't do things. I just don't need to.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Oh no, you get off your lazy behind!

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
They really get along.

Maya (icon) Maya:
Indeed they do.

Nana (icon) Nana:
Flour, eggs, butter, cream, and a lot of fruit...

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Carrots, onions, nori seaweed, and... Err...

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
My parents sent a lot of their home-grown potatoes to the dorm, so this should do!

Nana (icon) Nana:
Your family's potatoes are really tasty!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
I'm always surprised when I get another huge load of potatoes. I'm so glad you make delicious meals out of them!

Nana (icon) Nana:
Okay, the shopping's done and we have all the ingredients, so now it's time to work our magic in the kitchen! I hope everyone will like what we make.

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Of course they will! A home-baked birthday cake is really special!

Nana (icon) Nana:
All right. I'll take care of the cake and other desserts.

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
And I'll make something with the potatoes, and sushi hand rolls!

It's Nana-hiru cooking time!

Nana (icon) Nana:
Sift the flour and melt butter in a bain-marie... Preheat oven to 350°F.

Nana (icon) Nana:
Crack eggs into a bowl, add sugar, and mix them...

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
You're so good at this, Nana-chan. I can't bake anything without looking at the recipe.

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
I'm going to boil the potatoes, peel them, and make them into a mash while they're still hot.

Nana (icon) Nana:
You don't peel them first?

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
My grandma says if you boil them already peeled, they'll taste bland.

Nana (icon) Nana:
Bana-nice! I learned a new thing. I'll do it your way next time.

Nana (icon) Nana:
We need to keep up with doing the dishes, too. I'll wash the bowls and knives.

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Okay, and I'll wipe them dry!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
This really takes me back. I grew up in a big family and there was always a pile of dirty dishes after the meals.

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
My grandma would wash them, and I would wipe them with a cloth.

Nana (icon) Nana:
Heh... That's just like here! We're all like one big family.

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
You're the mom...

Nana (icon) Nana:
And you're a big sister. I used to think Karen-chan was the youngest sibling.

Nana (icon) Nana:
She's acting more grown up lately, though.

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
So the youngest would be Hikari-chan?

Nana (icon) Nana:
Heh, maybe!

Nana (icon) Nana:
We've got a sponge cake, cookies, fruit punch, sweet potatoes...

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Potato salad, German potatoes, mashed potatoes, fries... And sushi hand rolls.

Nana (icon) Nana:
That's a feast!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
And the sink's full!

Junna (icon) Junna:
I'm back!

Nana (icon) Nana:
Welcome back, Junna-chan. Oh, is it this late already? I need to hurry up and decorate the cake!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
And we need to tidy up the table! We won't make it before Karen-chan gets back!

Junna (icon) Junna:
Calm down, it'll be okay. I'll do the dishes, so you two prepare the table and cake.

Nana (icon) Nana:
We can always count on you to save the situation, Junna-chan! You'd definitely be the oldest sister.

Junna (icon) Junna:
What are you talking about?

Nana (icon) Nana:
I think the cream is thick enough now.

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Do I cut the strawberries like this?

Nana (icon) Nana:

Nana (icon) Nana:
Okay, let's decorate the cake.


Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Banana-chan, you're like a professional patisseur! The cream roses are great!

Junna (icon) Junna:
The cream dances on the sponge cake stage... Our Stage Girl talents are tested in the most unlikely scenarios.

Junna (icon) Junna:
There's so much to making cakes.

Nana (icon) Nana:
Now, for the final touch...

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
A chocolate plate with birthday wishes...

And the cake's ready!

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
Karen and Hikari should be back soon.

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
We've finished decorating the room, too.

Junna (icon) Junna:
Let's switch the lights off and wait.

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Everything's ready for Hikari-chan's...


Karen (icon) Karen:
Hikari-chan, Hikari-chan, do you know what day it is today?

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
Hmm... Headphones Day?

Karen (icon) Karen:
What? I had no idea that was a thing! I mean, no, that's not it!

Karen (icon) Karen:
It's your birthday today, isn't it?

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
...You remembered?

Karen (icon) Karen:
Of course! How could I forget the birthday of someone so important to me?

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
Thank you, Karen. For the Mr. White balloon, too.

Karen (icon) Karen:
Let's always celebrate together. Every single one of your birthdays.

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
Okay, and your birthdays, too. Even when we're adults, or old ladies.

Karen (icon) Karen:
It feels like time has flown by since we met again. So much has happened, my head is spinning like a merry-go-around!

Karen (icon) Karen:
Thanks for spending the whole day with me, Hikari-chan!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
It was fun, Karen.

Karen (icon) Karen:
We're baaack!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
Aah! Party crackers?

Welcome home!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
What's going on?

Karen (icon) Karen:
Wow! This is amazing! You really went all out with the food!

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
There's all kinds of potato dishes, and you can make your own sushi hand rolls with any filling you like.

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
The decorations are cute, too. Did you all do this for me?

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
You have no idea how hard it was to cut out the letters. But it wasn't a bad way to pass the time.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
It was all Karen's idea.

Karen (icon) Karen:
Nah, I just said, "Why don't we throw Hikari-chan a birthday party?"

Karen (icon) Karen:
Everyone wanted to help, and it turned out really awesome!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:

Karen (icon) Karen:
Hikari...chan? Are you crying?

Hikari (icon) Hikari:

Junna (icon) Junna:
Let's get started, girls. Before the food gets cold!

All right!

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Oof! I can't eat any more...

Maya (icon) Maya:
There's dessert coming.

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Ah... So it's time for...

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
Time for what?

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
This gift is from all of us. Go on, open it.

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
Oh... It's a Mr. White jacket!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
I've wanted this forever... I couldn't get it anywhere, since it's limited edition...

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
This jacket is so amazingly uncool... I don't understand how anyone could be happy about getting it.

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
If Kagura likes it, that's what matters. Although it is uncool.

Karen (icon) Karen:
Hikari-chan really likes Mr. White stuff!

Nana (icon) Nana:
Next is the birthday cake! Let's light the candles and turn off the lights!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
I never'd do this for me.

Karen (icon) Karen:

Kaoruko (icon) Kaoruko:
Well, you can pay me back by giving me your role of Claire in "Starlight."

Futaba (icon) Futaba:
Kagura, what sort of stuff did they teach you in England? Show me your moves next time!

Junna (icon) Junna:
Next time, I'll try for the leading role with the same tenacity you and Karen showed this time.

Nana (icon) Nana:
I'm really happy I get to perform with you at the Seisho Festival and Performance Festival, Hikari-chan.

Claudine (icon) Claudine:
I'd like to see you perform a passage from "Starlight" in English. I can show you the French version.

Maya (icon) Maya:
I'm looking forward to seeing you play Claire, Kagura-san.

Mahiru (icon) Mahiru:
Hikari-chan, I'm really happy we became friends! I hope we'll keep having fun together!

Karen (icon) Karen:
Now, everyone... One...two...three...

Happy birthday!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
Thank you, everyone...

Karen (icon) Karen:
Time for the cake cutting ceremony, Hikari-chan!

Hikari (icon) Hikari:
Uh, Karen, it's not a wedding...

