Revue Starlight Wiki
Revue Starlight Wiki

Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight -The LIVE Seiran- Baby Blue (少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライト -The LIVE 青嵐- Baby Blue) is a stage play presented at HIKOSEN Theater in Tokyo between September 6 to 15, 2024.[1]

It is the second spin-off play featuring the students and staff of Seiran General Art Institute.

Two performances on September 15 were made available for online streaming for domestic and international viewers on eplus.


Seiran General Art Institute Stage Department Performance Major third years Koharu Yanagi, Suzu Minase, and Hisame Honami aim for greater heights, with Koharu as the chief and Suzu and Hisame as the sub-chiefs. The strict teacher Kyoko Yakumo tells them, "This year's new students won't be easy to deal with."

Five students among the first years stand out as soon as school begins: Ruri Shimotsuki and Oto Namioka from the Stage Department Performance Major, and Nanaha Akemitsu, Kei Shidara, and Nagomi Koromoya from the General Studies Department. They have been active on a video site since their junior high days, and are small-time Internet celebrities who have amassed 50,000 followers by now. Many students were roused after seeing them break school regulations and put on a performance in their own style without permission, and the school is abuzz from the event.
Koharu and the others are hit with an unexpected shock seeing the girls behave in a way that flatly rejects Seiran General Art Institute's "ideology".
In order to find "their reason for being here" and "their true selves", they clash over differing values.

As third years, graduation and major life choices lie just ahead of them.
How will they live as Stage Girls? Now begins the story of a new curtain rising![2]


WARNING: This section contains spoilers for the stage play.

The play opens with the three main students of Seiran performing Limitless. Hisame congratulates Koharu on being accepted to the New National First Theater Troupe, and Suzu says she's worried about who will take care of Koharu after they graduate, and Koharu says that nobody will laugh when Suzu makes a mistake even if she goes to the Japan School of the Moving Image (it was mentioned in -The LIVE- #4 Climax that the school has courses specializing in comedy). Hisame jokingly tells Suzu to work hard in the comedy course, and Suzu says she's enrolling in the acting course. Suzu and Hisame agree that they're feeling lonely because they're graduating soon, and Koharu refuses to admit that she is, and Suzu reflects on how she had to break up their fighting and how stressed out Koharu was. Hisame says that she was under pressure too, because they had to wrangle some juniors under control. They wonder how those juniors are doing with preparations for the third years' graduation, and Koharu says that they remembered to never give up thanks to meeting them.

At the beginning of the school year (April), Yakumo-sensei addresses the third years of Seiran's Stage Department Performance Major, and introduces Koharu, Suzu, and Hisame as the chief and sub-chiefs. She says that it might surprise them that the chief and sub-chiefs specialize in acting, since previous chiefs have specialized in backstage work, and asks Koharu if she knows why. Koharu guesses that because they lost the National High School Performance Championship to Siegfeld last year since they lacked acting skills, she wanted to focus more on acting. Yakumo says that it's actually the opposite, and she chose them because she wants them to improve their understanding of the backstage work by leading the stagehands as well as the actors. Finally, she mentions that the new first years will be hard to deal with. They then begin vocal practice and sing a song about Seiran.

In June, Koharu speaks to her classmates about the first years coming to participate in their curriculum, as they do every June. Suzu is excited about meeting them and hopes they're cute. Koharu brings up that since Seiran also has an Art Department and a General Studies Department, they should try to behave in a way that will help those students understand their actions. Hisame agrees, saying they should make sure to be polite and apologize for things like bothering others while painting in the hallway. Koharu begins to talk about the Art Department, and Suzu interrupts her saying they're full of eccentric people, but they help out when they're building sets and give them ideas. Koharu says they can't depend on them too much, but they should learn from them and sharpen their own senses. She then starts to list some tasks they should do next, but is interrupted by cheering outside. Suzu and Koharu run out to see what's going on, and Hisame stops the other students and asks them to go change.

In the hallway, three of the new first years (Nanaha, Ruri, and Oto) are performing a song about being super cute, one is playing the music and holding a cheering fan (Nagomi), and another is filming (Kei). Koharu, Hisame, and Suzu run in, and Nagomi stops the music when Koharu asks them to stop. Koharu asks if they're new students, and comments that Ruri and Oto are in the Performance Major. She says that there's a rule that they can't perform inside or outside of the school without permission. Nagomi apologizes, but Nanaha complains about the rule. Suzu tells them that freshmen are only allowed to act after they've taken lessons for the first month. Ruri says it's the first time she's heard that, and Koharu says it was explained in the orientation, which Oto says Ruri was asleep for. Ruri says it was boring so she didn't get it, but Oto says she listened because the long haired lady was explaining it with a really cute face. Hisame asks if they mean Yakumo, and Oto does an impression of her saying that unpermitted performances won't be allowed. Nanaha says that they're in the General Studies Department, and Kei says she is too, and Nagomi introduces herself as well, saying she loved their performance at the entrance ceremony. Nanaha asks if she's on their side, and Nagomi says that's not what she meant, and Nanaha says they should be free to do whatever they want. Koharu argues that they shouldn't be in the hallway, and Ruri says that even though she gets that they're not supposed to run in the halls, they didn't say they can't dance. Koharu becomes very angry, and Oto starts talking about how she only enrolled in the Stage Department because she doesn't want to study hard and she's not good at drawing, so the only thing was left was the Stage Department, and she just plans to do whatever she wants. Hisame is shocked by this, but Oto says she does like music, at least. Nagomi tells Oto that Hisame is really good at singing, but Oto says she doesn't mean that kind of music, she means the kind of music that's not that serious. Hisame says she hasn't even sung yet, but Oto says she can tell that she'll sing seriously, and probably isn't that good at singing rock or pop songs. Hisame gets sad and falls into Koharu's arms about to cry, and Suzu tries to cheer both of them up. Nanaha asks if Kei's still filming (she isn't), because it would be fun content. Ruri suggests that they make the thumbnail "We got picked on by our seniors as soon as we enrolled!", and Koharu tells them to stop. Nanaha asks if they really don't know them, because they have 50,000 followers on RecLook (レックルック, rekkurukku, TikTok parody) as the group Cream Soda. Suzu calls them lame, and says they feel way too oldschool, and Koharu and Hisame cheer her on, telling her to get them. Suzu says it feels like they're not up to date, and Ruri says that retro is trendy these days, but Suzu says they're not really retro enough for it to be a concept. Koharu agrees, saying they're too dependent on old things and nostalgia. Suzu says that they don't match their name, because they do stuff like playing in a virtual world, and opening trading card packs and getting excited when they win a really rare one. They stop in their tracks and Ruri asks Suzu if she's a follower, and Suzu says she's always enjoying their videos. Koharu and Hisame complain to Suzu, and Suzu says that she really does think Cream Soda (the name?) is lame. Nanaha says that they have many supporters, and Ruri says that nowadays they can become more popular than celebrities just with a smartphone. They sing about how they only need to meet the viewer's demands, and the seniors sing about how they need to practice and follow the rules. Finally, Ruri takes a picture of Koharu's face, saying her angry face is ugly. Koharu faints and Suzu drags her away, and Nanaha says that the seniors just performed in the hallway too. Hisame starts to say that they were only trying to teach them a lesson, and they plug their ears and run away (Kei makes sure to film Hisame doing the Cream Soda pose before leaving).

Nagomi tells Hisame that her performance was amazing and it moved her heart. Meanwhile, Suzu tries doing CPR on Koharu and ends up slapping her. Koharu wakes up and when she realizes Suzu slapped her, she threatens her, and the three leave (this was adlibbed for every performance - in the 12PM fixed view stream, she grabs Suzu's necktie and Hisame says Koharu is cute).

Yakumo appears saying it's nostalgic, because when she was in first year she was also biting at her seniors and couldn't be stopped. Nagomi says she wasn't trying to do that, and Yakumo asks if it's hard for her to go along with what the other kids are doing. She says that if she hides her true feelings, she'll end up having huge regrets, and it's like she's looking at her past self, acting like she's strong to hide her true feelings. Yakumo sings about regrets and telling Nagomi that she should share her feelings with others. Nagomi says that the reason she applied to Seiran was because she fell in love with Hisame's voice at the open house, and also loved how she organizes the clothes and cleans up too. Yakumo says it's strange that she applied to the General Studies Department then, and Nagomi admits that she wanted to go to the Stage Department, but her childhood friend Nanaha asked her to enrol in the General Studies Department. Yakumo says that the General Studies Department is wonderful as well, but Nagomi already knows what makes her eyes sparkle. Yakumo leaves and Nagomi sings the same song Yakumo sang.

Suzu and Hisame run into the second years who collapse and ask them for help because the new first years won't listen to them, and Hisame asks them to calm down, saying that it would be annoying to keep being so affected by the first years. They all stop and one of the second years agrees. They say that even though it's almost time for the first years' newcomer performance, but Ruri and Oto never show up, and the first years that do come say they can't do it. They said that they're better off focusing on spreading their reach across the world with their videos. Koharu paces around angrily, saying if they're going to say there's no point to doing something they're already not doing, then they should just not do it. She says she's calm, and then says that they should just say it's fine if they don't think they're their ideal seniors, because they're not their ideal juniors either. One of the second years says that if they do that, the first years will say they're abusing their power to harass them. Koharu says she thought about it, and thinks that they can't just dance to songs like that "Kawachii" song forever, and they start discussing how big 50,000 followers is. Koharu says she went to see a baseball game with her father the previous day, and there were 50,000 people in the audience, so it is a pretty impressive number. Hisame says that the world is even bigger than that, but one of the second years says their gym can only fit 800 people at most. Koharu starts to say that people only like them because they're young, and asks if they would care if a grandma posted a video of that kawachii song. Everyone else says it's cute and they want to see it. Koharu says it's up to the juniors if that's their dream, but she wants to show them more brilliance, confidence, and a world they don't know about yet. She says the reason she wants to become an actress is to move the hearts of people who don't care about acting yet. Suzu sings a solo song about treating those juniors as a difficult audience and warming up the audience and teaching them about the fun of the stage. Koharu says that if all of the first years don't prepare for the newcomer performance, it'll be cancelled, and so will the atelier performance (a production focused on developing young talent) during summer break. Everyone is shocked by this, and Koharu says that they all chose to come to Seiran by their own will, and the actors and stagehands need to work together as a team, which is the rule at Seiran. Hisame gets a good idea.

Hisame's good idea is performing Aoi Arashi in the gym. Nagomi approaches them, commenting that it's the song they performed during the special stage at the open house. Hisame says it was a special performance just for her, and asks what she thinks. Nagomi says it was amazing, and Hisame suggests that she should transfer to the Stage Department, since they'll only be here for one more year, and it would be great if they could work together. Nagomi says that she doesn't want to stand on stage and she's not confident in her singing, and Hisame says that Seiran doesn't only train actors, and she knows that Nagomi wanted to apply for the Stage Department. Suzu spots Oto hiding and pulls her out, and Oto says she just came to get Nagomi, because they have to film something. Suzu says that they need to be preparing for their newcomer performance instead, and Oto says they're doing something that wasn't planned too. She tries to get Nagomi to leave with her, and Suzu asks her if genres really matter that much if she really likes music. Oto says she doesn't really care, and Suzu says that she does, because she's the one who decides what "serious music" or "unserious music" means to her. Suzu asks if it's because she lacks confidence, and she separates people and music into different genres, because she's scared of being categorized herself. Kei appears in the audience and says they should stop pressuring them like that, because it's normal to categorize people, and in fact, the seniors are categorizing them as "bothersome". Suzu says that they have to be able to understand each other in order to move forward, and Kei says it makes her feel sick that they're assuming everyone trusts others. She says that people only like theater because they're lonely, and if you don't expect anything from others, you don't need to worry about who to trust or what to depend on to get by. Koharu thinks about this proposition that theater is a gathering of lonely people, and says that it might be true, because they're lonely, and they can't do anything alone, so they form a group to work on a single production in order to fill up their hearts. Kei says that they shouldn't push that onto others, and Hisame says they're not, and she has the right to hate them, but they also have the right to love theater. Suzu starts to say that even in the General Studies Department, everyone does sports and cultural festivals together with their friends, and Kei pushes her off, telling her to stop meddling and smiling at them like she's on their side, and goes to leave. Hisame asks why they make videos then, because they all work together on a video and share it with the world, and where the passion she feels for that comes from. Kei says it's just to kill time. Oto also tries to leave, but Koharu tries to stop her since she's in the Stage Department, to which she says she's going to transfer to the General Studies Department so it doesn't matter, and leaves with Nagomi.

Suzu is disheartened by Kei's words, and Koharu says things went as expected, because she didn't think they could change their minds with just this, and if they're disheartened by this now, they won't be able to deal with things when they're professionals. Suzu says she doesn't have any confidence anymore, and Koharu says that they never had confidence from the beginning, and in order to cultivate that confidence, they can't give up. Koharu says that next, they should go see what exactly is so fun about the video filming those girls are doing, and walks off. Suzu says that Koharu's very reliable, and Hisame says that Koharu has really become like Seiran's leader, so they have to support her.

The first years are filming a Cream Soda video, and after it's over, Koharu says that it wasn't as good and eye-catching as their last one. Nanaha says she shouldn't just barge in, and Koharu says that they just said they want people to comment, to which Ruri says they meant they want people to write comments. Koharu goes on to tell them her thoughts, that in theater, if the audience is bored, they'll fall asleep right in front of them, and they won't receive any applause, and Koharu is working hard to become an actress who can overpower those things. Nanaha taunts Koharu while she tries to speak to Ruri, who applied to Seiran because she was expected to become an actress. Koharu says that being famous is different from having skills, and that they're losing to her because they haven't been able to move her heart, and Ruri is running away from the stage because she's afraid of losing to her too. Nanaha says that Koharu's saying a lot of self-centered nonsense, and it's a bit too early to decide that they don't have any skills. She starts performing to show Koharu her skills while singing about how she'll forge her own path and not follow anyone else's rules. Nanaha says they sing and dance because they like doing it, and asks Koharu if she really thinks she's good for trying to get them to stop, as someone in the Stage Department. The three Seiran seniors sing a sad version of BLUE ANTHEM and reflect upon themselves. Hisame says that she's always just followed the curriculum that was given to her, Koharu says she thought it was unforgivable to go against the rules, and Suzu says it was selfish of her to assume that everyone can smile if she just tries to make them. Hisame says she felt a sense of righteousness from standing on stage, and Koharu says she might have just been full of herself. Suzu says that maybe it's enough just to do what you want to do for the people who want to see it, and maybe it's weird to force them to do the newcomer performance. Yakumo appears and laughs at them, saying they shouldn't be acting like that because people might gossip about them being weird theater kids practing acting. Hisame is shocked by that, and Yakumo says they're the ones calling the art kids weird, so if they think they're normal they better reconsider. Koharu starts to say that she's been following the rules, and Yakumo tells her that only freaks can stand in front of others and act as someone else. She asks them what "normal" is supposed to be, and who decides that, and laughs at them because they want to be seen as special and as normal at the same time. Suzu starts crying and asking her to stop because her heart will break, and tries to fall into Yakumo's arms but she dodges, saying there's no time for that because they have guests, and pulls out a flag with the Siegfeld Institute of Music logo.

The Siegfeld Junior High appear and sing introducing Siegfeld and themselves. Minku worries about why they're at Seiran when they're probably going to go to the Siegfeld High School, and Ryoko worries about getting kicked out of Siegfeld due to poor grades. Yakumo (who the Junior High think is just the bus guide lady) leads the Seiran first years to the stage, and greets the Siegfeld Junior High "chicks", saying she was surprised that they would hesitate about where to go for high school and come to Seiran for a tour. Ryoko says she was worried about if she could get in to the Siegfeld High School, so she thought she'd come see Seiran too. Ruri gets mad and says it's kind of rude to think she can get into Seiran then, and Ryoko apologizes. Kuina says that she's Siegfeld all the way, but wouldn't pass up the opportunity to see Seiran and learn from them, and glares at the first years (who glare back). Yakumo tells them to stop making such scary faces, and Kei says "look who's talking", and Yakumo says she can hear her, so she apologizes. Nagomi comments that Kei seems to have a soft spot for Yakumo-sensei. Yakumo introduces the Seiran first years as "a bunch of attention-seekers", which they get angry about, and Stella wonders what it means. Shiro says that it's hard to explain in one word, and the Junior High gesture like they're trying to explain it to Stella. Kei laughs at the other first years and says it's true. Nanaha, Oto, and Ruri introduce themselves as Cream Soda and do the cream soda pose and kawachii pose, and Kuina wonders what language they're speaking. Ruri asks if they really don't know, because they have 50,000 followers on RecLook. Shiro says she has no clue, and Ryoko explains that Shiro and Stella just transferred from Germany the previous year, but Kuina says that she doesn't know either even though she's lived in Japan. Cream Soda say that they're famous in the RecLook world, and then Minku and Shiro say that Stella has 200,000 followers, which they are shocked by and Kei and Nagomi say it's enough to fill 4 domes. Stella says that she wasn't trying to get that many, it's just that people liked her singing. Cream Soda start to come after her for being so cheeky, before Yakumo interrupts them, announcing a "real Revue" between the Siegfeld Junior High and the Seiran first years. They have a singing and dancing battle, in which notably, Ryoko says she wants to show them their "super spicy senpai" and a silhouette of Akira appears on the screen. Kuina argues with Oto about how Seiran lost to Siegfeld at the championships last year, and Oto says that wasn't them, it was their seniors. Minku tries to tell them to stop fighting, but then says that when she drinks cream soda, there's always a little bit left at the end, and she wonders why, and the Seiran first years yell and chase after her.

Yakumo and the three Seiran seniors appear, and Yakumo asks if they remember anything. They say that in the past, they were just trying to put their passion into everything, and express their true feelings with a loud voice, and placed the most expectations on themselves. Koharu says that the juniors' passion resembles that of Seisho when they first met the previous year. Suzu says that they're clashing with each other for real even though they don't have weapons. Yakumo says that they had decided that those first years, who are overflowing with passion, just didn't want to do anything. Koharu realizes that they were the ones who couldn't set that passion alight, and Hisame says that they didn't try to learn about their charms because they were too busy trying to correct their behaviour, and Suzu says they thought that the juniors wouldn't be able to put on a better performance than them. Suddenly, Kei trips while filming the fight with the Junior High, and knocks over a board that was leaning against the wall. Yakumo-sensei blocks it before it could fall on Suzu. She says she's okay, and then scolds Kei, saying that she doesn't know anything about backstage work. Kei says that she's not doing backstage work, and Yakumo says that she's still in charge of filming videos, and if something like this happened while they were filming on the street and it fell on a child, it could have hurt them badly. Koharu says that they need to understand the hazards around them as they work, and Yakumo says that they need to learn about others not just to know the struggle they go through, but so they can have respect for each other's actions. Siegfeld Junior High leave, and Seiran begin preparations for the newcomer performance. The Seiran seniors and Yakumo sing about creating the stage together. The seniors teach the juniors about different parts of stage production: Koharu and Suzu discuss the placement of set equipment so that actors won't get hurt. Suzu shows Nanaha lighting colors and patterns, and Suzu says she wants to marry lighting equipment when she grows up, and the lighting changes in response. Oto asks Yakumo if she gets nervous writing music, and she says of course she does, but being able to decorate the world with her own hands feels amazing. Oto says it's work with a lot of responsibility, and Yakumo says that everyone carries responsiblity. She tells Oto that music isn't something you create alone, and being able to combine it with everything else is what motivates her. Hisame says to Nagomi that the work for hair, makeup, and outfits isn't over as soon as they're finished, because they have to consider the color of the set and lighting and make adjustments accordingly. Koharu tells Ruri that there are people playing other roles like advertising and guiding the audience, and the actors have to carry all of that on their backs when they go on stage. She says that her desire to be the one who stands out will disappear quickly, and it's a place that will teach her of her shortcomings. Ruri says that she was always fawned over and she was afraid of Koharu, because she felt like she was inferior to her. Koharu sings that Ruri isn't the one who decides who is better, and she'll help her shine, so she hopes Ruri will help her shine as well.

The Junior High come back on stage, and Stella says their performance was amazing, and she feels like she can relax and go to Siegfeld knowing that they'll have such strong opponents. Shiro says that it's good that she wanted to observe them until she was satisfied, but Stella doesn't know anything about backstage work, and they'll be an unimaginably strong enemy for her. Stella says she can kind of do something in that area, and Shiro says she's full of lies. Minku says that by the time they enter their first year of high school, the Seiran first years will be their seniors. Ruri is a little surprised but says yes and acts cool, and Minku says she's excited to face them in the Championship. Ryoko says she's scared and has to make sure she won't get kicked out, and Kuina says she shouldn't show them her weak side, because they'll dye their era in Siegfeld's color. Nanaha says she can't wait and tries to show off something with a lighting color sheet, but it doesn't really land well and she gets embarrassed. Yakumo-sensei waves the flag and thanks them for coming, and Stella says they didn't really do anything, and Kuina asks the "bus guide lady" who she is. She doesn't get an answer and they leave to go home.

The Seiran students receive an invitation to the Twilight Theater, where Yakumo says she enrolled in Seisho as a promising new student, but ran away from the overwhelming skill of her senpai. She says that nobody wants to run away, and everyone wants to be strong. The giraffe says "I understand" and the first years appear, and Yakumo and the giraffe explain the Twilight Theater to them. Koharu, Suzu, and Hisame appear in their Revue outfits, and Yakumo introduces the first Revue, the three of them versus Digital Natives, with the title being "Exchange". Their opponents, the digital natives, are Korosu who are addicted to their phones, and live in the virtual world, and thus don't pay any attention to them. They try to catch their attention, performing The Show Must Go On!, but the digital natives don't care about it at all. Koharu then begins improvising, playing the role of a wolf who is starving for love, and Hisame plays the role of a sheep who has forgotten about love, wondering if such a thing exists at all. The Korosu respond to this, and Oto wonders if it means they enjoy a world without love. Suzu plays the role of someone trying to sell love, but sheep Hisame says she doesn't need that, and would rather eat some luxurious grass. Suzu the salesman comments that lamb meat isn't all that good, and there wouldn't be much love in such a thin sheep. Koharu the wolf does a slide and says that he's hungry for love and Hisame seems delicious, and Suzu says if the two of them fight, the wolf will win, and then Suzu can take the love that the wolf devoured by killing the wolf. They continue to fight, and the first years are shocked by how the theater is reacting, and ask Ruri if she's really okay with not participating. Ruri says she can't, and she doesn't have a role. When asked about it, Yakumo-sensei says she's never seen a play like this, and they're just improvising based on the wolf character Koharu created. Wolf Koharu says to sheep Hisame that he doesn't want to kill her, he just wants someone to lie with under the stars, and if she doesn't go with him to the forest, the sheep will end up being eaten by the human.

In the theater, tons of chat messages appear projected on the walls, commenting on the performance with a flippant attitude. Wolf Koharu says he wants love, and sheep Hisame pushes him off, and then Koharu's spotlight goes out. Suzu the human says this turn of events was unexpected, and instead they'll both be eaten by the human. The chat fades away as Suzu fights the both of them, and Hisame tries to ask Suzu to stop fighting with so much strength. Koharu says the digital natives won't look at them if they start complaining now. Suzu says she's eaten all of the love in the world, so there's none left. The chat comes back in agreement, cheering Suzu on. Suzu keeps fighting them aggressively until they tell her to stop, because they might get hurt. Suzu says that the digital natives are enjoying it, and Koharu says that they just want to see them hurting their friends. Suzu wants to keep going because they started praising her, and Koharu asks Suzu when she became part of the enemy. Suzu collapses, and Koharu the wolf and Hisame the sheep lived happily ever after under the stars. The digital natives block @SEIRAN after seeing this. Suzu is disappointed because if they just kept going a little further, they would have won, but Hisame complains that she would have gotten hurt. Hisame also apologizes for breaking her acting during the fight.

The first years except for Ruri are sad because they almost made it, and it seems like it's the end. Then, Ruri appears in a Seiran Revue outfit with a hot pink armband and her phone on a selfie stick as her weapon, and says her Revue introduction: "With vivid and lively action, the lapis-colored beat of my heart kneads out a world of waves that rage violently! Seiran General Art Institute Stage Department Performance Major 1st year Ruri Shimotsuki!" She asks what the seniors think they're doing with such a cold performance. She says that it's so boring to just get along with others all the time. She says that this world is so tiring, so she'll smash it for them, and her next video will be "DECLARING WAR ON MY SENIORS! I tried stealing their spots!", and immediately she receives the spotlight and starts amassing likes. Hisame says that she's already started acting then, and Koharu takes on the challenge. They sing and fight each other and videos are projected on the walls, and the first years are amazed by how the lights are responding to Ruri. Nagomi tells Ruri to look like she's fighting back against the seniors, because the digital natives are starting to look away. They're surprised by how the seniors can respond to her acting so quickly, and Yakumo-sensei says it's not so hard, as long as they have the same goal in mind. They continue fighting as Hisame sings, and eventually the digital natives stop paying attention. Ruri provokes them by asking if taking care of Koharu's feelings all the time doesn't make them tired, and maybe they should just stop being friends. The digital natives love this and the likes start going up, and Suzu starts acting saying that they should, and Koharu's such a bother for always being so scary. Ruri says that Hisame should look like it's none of her business and run away, since it's easiest to start a fight and then run away. Hisame asks when she started a fight, and Ruri says it's amazing how she's pretending to be someone else. The digital natives capture Hisame and turn her into one of them, and Ruri realizes too late.

With Hisame now wearing a mask as a part of the digital natives, Koharu says to them that they can only become stronger by increasing the number of people who are bogged down by this negative aura. This causes them to glitch, and it seems like they break when they hear the truth. Koharu says to Suzu that even though she's often told she's expressionless, she thinks she has more emotion than these people. Suzu laughs nervously, and Koharu says she'll deal with beating her later, to which Suzu says it was just acting earlier, though Koharu's not too sure. They say to the digital natives that it's fine if they're not interested in them, because they don't have any interest in the digital natives either, which makes them move. Ruri admires how they could move their feelings even though they don't feel much, and Suzu asks if they're great, and Ruri says she doesn't know. They go to save Hisame together, and Hisame sings with the digital natives about entertaining others, being entertained all the time, being able to say things because they can't be seen, hating others, enjoying their lives to the fullest even if it's at others' expense. Suzu shows them that she filmed their performance, which they're happy about, but then she deletes it and says they're lame for looking for sympathy from others for feeling that way, which makes them glitch out. They manage to save Hisame from them, and she says she felt like she was in a dream. Koharu says that that's not the stage she belongs on, and they should stand in front of the audience. The digital natives start up again, and Yakumo-sensei announces the final Revue: the Revue of Update, with the four Seiran students against the digital natives. A popup appears with the message "Would you like to update Seiran to the newest version? YES/NO", and Koharu chooses yes with her weapon. The Revue starts with the theme song, Baby Blue.

The rest of the first years come out one by one, Nanaha shining a light on Koharu, Oto matching sound effects to Suzu, and Nagomi fixing Hisame's ripped Revue outfit. Kei appears with a set diorama, saying she wants to make it so the enemy can't see their seniors. Together, they pull out a sheet and use it to trap the digital natives in the center, allowing the three seniors to put distance between them. Seiran win the Revue, and Kei says she wants to be like the theater that reacts to the passion of the actors. Yakumo-sensei says they're welcome to join, and hands out paperwork for their transfers, telling them the transfer exam is before summer break. She makes sure to warn Kei that she's pretty scary while grabbing her necktie, and Kei nervously says she doesn't hate it. Koharu tells Ruri and Oto that they need to work harder to make up for how much they skipped, and Ruri acts like she doesn't want to do backstage work, but then says that that was what she would have said before, but now that she's seen the amazing tech work in this theater, she wants to learn more about it. Oto says she wants to work harder as well, and Nanaha apologizes to Nagomi for making her enrol in the General Studies Department when she knew she wanted to go to the Stage Department. Nagomi asks her if she wants to go with her to the Stage Department, because she wants to learn with everyone all together. Ruri says then they'll become the number one high school, and Kei says they'll try to win the championship for 3 years in a row. The first years then awkwardly say they're looking forward to working with the third years, and Koharu says they better greet them properly first, and then welcomes them to the Stage Department.

Oto, Nanaha, and Nagomi are performing their "Kawachii" song wearing jackets that resemble Seiran's Revue outfits. Yakumo walks out when they're about to sing the lyric "pointless" and she interrupts them by saying it. She says it's up to them if they want to put on an impromptu performance, but Nanaha left her work organizing the color sheets unfinished, and Nanaha tries to argue that she thought that they should switch to LEDs so they can switch colors directly, and Yakumo says they don't have that kind of money. Then she tells Oto that she has to coil the audio cables properly or it's going to become a bad habit, and the cables she coils keep disconnecting. Then she addresses Nagomi, but she just asks if she made the "Revue outfits" they're wearing, and says they're not too bad. Nanaha complains that she's always nice to Nagomi, and Yakumo says that of course she is, because she loves honest people. Oto yells that she can't think of her as a teacher, and Yakumo starts to go after her, but Nagomi stops her, reminding her that the third years are graduating today. Yakumo says that they should just hurry up and graduate already, and Nanaha says that Yakumo-sensei ("Kyoko-chan") loves to put up a front and bumps her with her hip, which makes Yakumo chase after her with a fist raised. Koharu, Suzu, and Hisame appear, saying they were looking for her because they wanted to take a picture together. Nagomi offers to take their picture. Koharu comments that the first years in the Stage Department were the ones who prepared everything for their graduation ceremony, and Suzu says it was so beautiful, and Hisame says that even just thinking about the flying cherry blossoms at the end makes her emotional. Nanaha says that that was Kei's idea, and they wonder how she's doing right now, and if she received the results for her competition yet. Nanaha goes up to Yakumo and plays with her hair, asking if she's nervous, and Yakumo grabs her wrist and tells her to use honorifics.

The scene cuts to Kei at the international stage design contest in Prague, as it is announced that she won a special award. In Kei's acceptance speech, she says she'll never forget the stage that made her realize how amazing the stage is, and right now, she's inexperienced and yet to know fear, but because of that she's overflowing with ideas. She thanks her parents, her teacher, her friends, and her beloved three seniors. Back at Seiran, Ruri tells them that Kei won the special award, and they all celebrate. Yakumo worries about Koharu, and she says she's happy for her, even though it means her sister Sakura couldn't win. Yakumo says that it's crazy that Kei could win that award at her young age, and it's an amazing achievement. Ruri says she wants to tell Kei how much Yakumo-sensei is praising her, and Yakumo says that she was the hardest on her, so it's more like she won thanks to her, and Ruri says that she's seeking approval way too much, and then pretends like she didn't say it. Yakumo says that it's a great thing, but Kei is actually going to do a short study abroad program in Prague sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, since she entered the design contest. The others didn't know that, and they feel sad because she'll be gone, but Yakumo assures them that she'll be back soon, and Kei told her that she's going to study for Seiran's sake. Koharu says that Sakura is also in that study abroad program, and Suzu says that they'll probably become best friends. Koharu says she hopes Sakura doesn't bother Kei too much, and Hisame tells her she shouldn't be worrying about her sister right now. Nanaha agrees, making a big deal of how Koharu's an actress in the New National First Theater Troupe, and Oto asks her for her signature, but Koharu says she hasn't even started yet. Oto comments that Suzu is going to the Japan School of the Moving Image, and Nagomi says that school has an acting course and a comedy course, and Yakumo jokes that Suzu's going to the comedy course. Suzu is exasperated and clarifies that she's going to the acting course, of course. Hisame is hesitant to speak about her plans, and Koharu says she better make sure to apply to a vocal school in Germany next year. Hisame tells the first years that they should trust their own feelings above all else when they're considering their future plans. She says to Nagomi that no matter what path she wants to walk down, her friendships will remain intact. Koharu comments that since they've gotten stronger in backstage work, they have to make sure to do better at acting as well, pressuring Ruri by saying the rest is up to her. Ruri says that she's pressuring her too much, and Koharu says she was just cheering her on, and then Ruri snaps a few selfies of them. Koharu is surprised and says she better not post those, and Ruri says it's just so she can keep it in her own heart.

They take a group photo, and then they sing about graduation and the meetings and farewells they've gone through (during this Kei comes on stage to join the first years, and congratulates the seniors on graduating). Yakumo goes with the first years to clean up, but Koharu, Suzu, and Hisame stop her so they can take a final photo together. Nagomi takes their photo, and Kei separates from the group (likely she was actually still in Prague and joined them spiritually for the song). Finally, the three graduates say, "When we look back, we'll always have a blue storm (Seiran) behind us." Yakumo thanks them, and they bow.


Seiran General Art Institute Logo
Seiran General Art Institute
Koharu Yanagi Live
Kanon Nanaki
Koharu Yanagi
Suzu Minase Live
Minami Tsukui
Suzu Minase
Hisame Honami Live
Yoko Kadoyama
Hisame Honami
Kyoko Yakumo Live
Yuka Kobayashi
Kyoko Yakumo
Ruka Shibata
Ruri Shimotsuki
Kanami Ikejiri
Nanaha Akemitsu
Arisa Kubota
Oto Namioka
Yuzuha Uesugi
Kei Shidara
Haruka Ikeda
Nagomi Koromoya
Siegfeld Logo
Siegfeld Institute of Music
Junior High
Minku Umibe Live Regalia2
Kokoro Kuge
Minku Umibe
Shiro Ogami Live Regalia2
Kanon Matsuzawa
Shiro Ogami
Stella Takachiho Live Regalia2
Hina Aoki
Stella Takachiho
Ryoko Kobato Live Regalia2
Ruka Fukagawa
Ryoko Kobato
Kuina Moriyasu Live Regalia2
Yuria Sato
Kuina Moriyasu


  • Mio Ikeda
  • Kurumi Ōkubo
  • Ayano Watanabe
  • Miyū Watarai

Swing Cast[]

  • Yūka Iijima
  • Kazusa Murata


Note: Bolded name(s) indicate the winner(s) of the Revue.


Main Part[]

  1. Limitless (Koharu Yanagi, Suzu Minase, Hisame Honami)
  2. TBA (Koharu Yanagi, Suzu Minase, Hisame Honami, ensemble)
  3. TBA Cream Soda song (Ruri Shimotsuki, Nanaha Akemitsu, Oto Namioka)
  4. TBA (Ruri Shimotsuki, Nanaha Akemitsu, Oto Namioka, Kei Shidara, Nagomi Koromoya, Koharu Yanagi, Suzu Minase, Hisame Honami)
  5. TBA (Kyoko Yakumo)
  6. TBA (Nagomi Koromoya)
  7. TBA (Suzu Minase, ensemble)
  8. Aoi Arashi (Koharu Yanagi, Suzu Minase, Hisame Honami)
  9. TBA (Nanaha Akemitsu)
  10. BLUE ANTHEM Baby Blue ver. (Koharu Yanagi, Suzu Minase, Hisame Honami)
  11. TBA (Siegfeld Institute of Music Junior High)
  12. TBA (Siegfeld Institute of Music Junior High, Ruri Shimotsuki, Nanaha Akemitsu, Oto Namioka, Kei Shidara, Nagomi Koromoya)
  13. TBA (Seiran General Art Institute)
  14. The Show Must Go On! (Koharu Yanagi, Suzu Minase, Hisame Honami)
  15. TBA (Ruri Shimotsuki, Koharu Yanagi, Suzu Minase, Hisame Honami)
  16. TBA (Hisame Honami, ensemble)
  17. Baby Blue (Ruri Shimotsuki, Koharu Yanagi, Suzu Minase, Hisame Honami)
  18. TBA Cream Soda song (reprise) (Nanaha Akemitsu, Oto Namioka, Nagomi Koromoya)
  19. TBA (Seiran General Art Institute)

Live Part[]

  1. Yume no Prelude (夢のプレリュード, Prelude of Dream) (performed by Siegfeld Institute of Music Junior High)
  2. Butai Shōjo Kokoroe (舞台少女心得, The Knowledge of a Stage Girl) (performed by Seiran General Art Institute)
  3. BLUE ANTHEM (performed by Kanon Nanaki, Yoko Kadoyama, Minami Tsukui)
  4. Remains (performed by Siegfeld Institute of Music Junior High)
  5. Baby Blue (performed by Kanon Nanaki, Yoko Kadoyama, Minami Tsukui)
  6. Glittering Stars (performed by Seiran General Art Institute, Siegfeld Institute of Music Junior High, ensemble)


