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Revue Starlight Wiki

Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight -The STAGE Junior High- Regalia (少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライト -The STAGE 中等部- Regalia, Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight -The STAGE Chūtō-bu- Regalia) is a stage play presented at HIKOSEN Theater in Tokyo between October 14-24, 2022.

The play serves as a prequel to Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight -The LIVE Edel- Delight, telling a new story focusing on and featuring the Junior High students of Siegfeld Institute of Music. It also features fellow Edels Akira Yukishiro, Michiru Otori and Liu Mei Fan, as well as date-specific guest appearances by Karen Aijo from Seisho Music Academy, Fumi Yumeoji from Rinmeikan Girls School, and Shizuha Kocho from Frontier School of Arts.

Four performances were made available for online streaming for domestic and international viewers on eplus.


Siegfeld Institute of Music Junior High.
An educational institution established for the purpose of training Rohedelstein, the future candidates for the roles of Edels. Two transfer students from Germany are due to enrol in the Junior High. One is Stella Takachiho, whose heritage is descended from Siegfeld's own prestigious family. The other is Shiro Ogami, Stella's exclusive maid.
With the pair's transfer comes a drastic change in the fates of fellow Junior High students Ryoko Kobato, Minku Umibe, and Kuina Moriyasu.
Liu Mei Fan works hard to meet the expectations of Akira Yukishiro and Michiru Otori, who are searching for a stage girl to carry Siegfeld on their backs.
The ones who must entrust it, and the ones who must be entrusted with it—the symbol of the noble king, "Regalia", will end up...[1]


WARNING: This section contains spoilers for the stage play.

Much of the plot is similar to the junior high's School Story in Re LIVE, with various details changed for the play. The story is set before Delight, when Akira and Michiru are still in second year.

The play opens with Stella performing the Queen of the Night aria, a.k.a. "Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen" ("Hell's vengeance boils in my heart"). Halfway through her performance, the lights shut off, and Korosu begin laughing at her and singing and dancing around her, trying to pull her into the darkness. Shiro finds her collapsed on the floor, apologizing repeatedly, and the Korosu scatter. Stella embraces Shiro once she realizes it's her, and Shiro pledges to protect her no matter what happens.

The scene changes to Akira and Michiru discussing the new transfer students from Germany; Stella, who is the granddaughter of Victoria Siegfeld, the headmaster of Siegfeld Institute of Music, and Shiro, the only child of the Ogami family, which has served the Siegfeld family for generations. They wonder what could have caused them to transfer from the prestigious Munich National Academy of Arts at such an odd time. Mei Fan barges into the room saying there's big trouble, but Akira makes her do it over. Mei Fan interprets this as an acting challenge and starts exaggerating her emotions, doing it over twice until Akira explains that she wanted her to do a proper greeting before entering the student council room (ad-libs were added here in some performances, such as Mei Fan yelling into a microphone with echo or hitting a gong). When Akira asks "what idiot would be criticizing acting at this time", Michiru and Mei Fan both stare at her pointedly, to which she asks if there's something on her face.

Mei Fan came to talk about the transfer students as well. Akira says they should treat them like normal students when Mei Fan suggests a welcoming party, and Mei Fan tells them that the school is abuzz. Yachiyo and Shiori are visiting Frontier for a technical exchange for several days, so they aren't present. Akira moves to leave to watch the junior high students rehearse, and Michiru and Mei Fan tag along.

In the junior high's second year class, Minku is practicing Romeo and Juliet with Ryoko and another student (Aruma Mitsuobi). A student with short hair (Sui Ajia) appears and throws everyone into a fuss with the rumor of transfer students from Germany. Kuina is angry and keeps scolding the other students, ignoring everything Minku tries to get her attention with. Ryoko fears that she's going to get kicked out of school because there are new students. The teacher (Kuroumi Saikawa) appears and they take attendance, and Minku (student number 3) puts on a performance (starting what is essentially the junior high's version of PRE CALL). Ryoko (student number 10) and Kuina (student number 28) introduce themselves next, after which Stella and Shiro appear and introduce themselves normally. They are urged to put on a performance as well, so they sing a duet.

The class then begins a rehearsal of Romeo and Juliet. Kuina is to play Romeo, and she calls out Stella to play Juliet, who obliges even though she just took a quick glance at the script. The practice goes smoothly until Kuina is taken aback by Stella's skills and forgets her lines. Then, Kuina yells "Akira-sama" and runs to the back of the room as the three Edels enter the classroom to watch. Stella and Shiro introduce themselves, and Akira comments on how Stella is using her Japanese grandfather's surname in Japan rather than the Siegfeld surname. Mei Fan tells the class that if they ever have any troubles, they can come to her, because she can do fortune telling for them. Then she unwraps the turtle shell she'd brought with her, which she had used for oracle bone divination. She had told Akira's fortune with it and a bad result had come out, which she'll explain in more detail later. Stella and Kuina begin rehearsing once again, and Kuina, overwhelmed by the Edels' (and in particular Akira's) presence, can't focus and starts yelling all her lines in jumbled order. She asks to take a rest, and instead Minku is to play Romeo and Ryoko Juliet. Their performance goes well until Minku decides that Romeo's way of courting Juliet is way too longwinded and he should be direct, adlibbing the rest of her lines. Akira seems rather disapproving of this, but Michiru and Mei Fan find it interesting. Finally, Shiro is to play Romeo and Stella Juliet. They put on an astounding performance (and even put their faces close to act out the kiss), which the Edels are satisfied with, and they leave after. Class ends, and Kuina offers to give Stella and Shiro a tour of the school. Minku watches Kuina leave sadly, murmuring her name.

The Edels discuss how the transfer students were as good as they expected, and then Akira reminds Mei Fan about her divination. The bad fortune was that Akira's favorite super spicy curry would disappear from the school cafeteria. Akira freaks out at this and runs off to complain to the people in charge. Mei Fan wonders why Akira believed in her fortune telling for once, and Michiru says it's because she's getting restless, and she was acting to cover that up. Michiru claims Akira is probably getting worried about finding the next king, as they will have to step down eventually. Michiru leaves, and Mei Fan is shocked by the realization that her time with her seniors is running out. She sings a sad song about this and announces that she has to find out what it is that she can do right now.

Kuina is giving Stella and Shiro a tour, and they arrive at the auditorium, where Kuina gives a spiel about Elysion and the Edels, and Akira, who she aspires to be—who is her goal. She then challenges Stella to be her rival, who she will surpass. Shiro accepts this for her, and Stella is shocked. Shiro says it will be good for her, and it's like a plot from the Japanese anime Stella likes so much. Stella says she wants to make lots of friends, and she hopes she doesn't get on bad terms with Kuina. Stella then whines and mopes about not being able to do all the things she's wanted to do since she got to Japan, and Shiro asks her if she's stopped acting as a proper lady. They then sing a duet about how Shiro is the only one who knows this side of her. With renewed confidence, Stella remembers how her grandmother said coming to Siegfeld would be a way for her to regain her brilliance. She cheers up and says that maybe having a rival wouldn't be so bad after all, saying "let's go" in German. Shiro reminds her that she's speaking German, and says not to worry as she will make sure to teach her Japanese thoroughly.

Minku and Ryoko are leaving school late, and Minku is talking to herself about what she's going to eat for dinner (this varied by performance, including things like deep-fried chikuwa, Ryoko's favorite food, and "marshmallow udon", marshmallows being Minku's favorite food). Ryoko sighs, saying maybe she's not cut out for the stage after all, since Stella and Shiro are so much better than her. Minku says there are lots of people in the world and everyone thinks differently, and says that means she likes Ryoko's acting. Ryoko says thanks, but that won't solve everything, and she's scared of getting kicked out of Siegfeld. Minku and Ryoko discuss the rumor of the secret audition, which is supposed to make you into a star who shines brighter than anyone if you participate. Ryoko says she'd participate if it was real, if it could change her situation. They then begin singing a song about the secret audition, which everyone in the cast slowly joins in to, shifting back into the classroom with the Edels present.

The second year junior high students are to put on a performance of Romeo and Juliet, and they are to audition for the roles, with the Edels acting as the judges. As the Edels discuss with the teacher, Minku gets excited for the cultural festival, talking about food, to which the other students say she shouldn't be so free-spirited as they should be trying to win the lead roles to one day become an Edel. Ryoko runs to ask Stella to practice with her, and the other students comment that it's smart of her to befriend the two transfer students. Stella and Shiro ask Ryoko to call them by their first names, and Ryoko insists that she call them Stella-chan and Shiro-san because first name only is too familiar for her. The other students join them and ask to practice, and say that it's basically set that Shiro and Stella will be the leads, so they should just practice for the other roles. This angers Kuina, who says that they shouldn't decide things like that, and she'll never give up on acting as the lead role. Akira agrees, and says that if they don't have the resolve and just want to be all friendly with each other, they should get out. This spurs everyone into action (including Mei Fan) and they all leave to practice by themselves, leaving Stella alone with Shiro, who says that she's by Stella's side, which does little to cheer her up.

Mei Fan meets the daily guests outside, specifically going to find Karen and Fumi after school and stumbling upon Shizuha.

When Karen is the daily guest, she walks out wondering what will be for dinner, and if Nana will make yummy sweets. Mei Fan ambushes her and screams that she has something to ask of her. She asks Karen to give her a lesson, because Karen is someone who Akira acknowledges, and asks her to teach her how to shine so brilliantly. Karen is confused because Mei Fan used a complicated word for teach, so Mei Fan rephrases with an easier word, and Karen is shocked because she doesn't really know how. Mei Fan gets down on her knees and prostrates herself, placing her palms upward, which she says is the greatest salute of respect in Buddhism. Karen tells her to calm down, and Mei Fan says no, and refuses to move from there until Karen agrees. Karen looks out into the audience and says that a lot of people are curious about what she's doing, to which Mei Fan says she doesn't care. Karen agrees, and Mei Fan gets up. Karen isn't sure how to teach her, but starts by asking Mei Fan when she feels brilliance, and Mei Fan says it's when she watches Akira acting, because she's captivated by the brilliance radiating off of Akira. Karen says that's Akira's brilliance, and Mei Fan has to find her own brilliance. Karen says she feels that there is brilliance in working hard; even outside of the stage, when she sees people trying their best at something, she feels like they're shining brilliantly. Mei Fan asks if her prostration counts, and Karen says yes, she was shining, a bit. Karen asks why Mei Fan is worried about this, and Mei Fan says she wants to change herself, because she's running out of time with her seniors and wants to become a Stage Girl who can be trusted with Siegfeld when they're gone. She wants to be like Akira, or rather, even better than Akira. Karen says she saw Mei Fan's brilliance when she said that, and that Mei Fan can't become better than Akira if she's only trying to imitate her. Mei Fan has a realization that if Akira is a wall that stands tall, she needs to unleash the dragon hiding within her and climb over it. She thanks Karen for showing her what she needs to do, and they both run off happily.

When Fumi is the daily guest, she was found excited to buy half-priced meat on sale for a limited time. Mei Fan says she has something to ask Fumi about, which surprises her and she asks if something happened at Siegfeld. Mei Fan says that nothing happened, she just doesn't know what to do as an Edel right now. Fumi recognizes the gravity of the situation because Mei Fan came to her for advice and awkwardly stops Mei Fan's pacing to ask if she'll sit with her and explain in more detail. There is an extensive awkward silence as Fumi tries to clear a space for Mei Fan to sit on the stairs and puts down her newspaper like a mat for Mei Fan to sit on. Mei Fan explains that Akira is looking for the next Frau Platin. Fumi guesses correctly that Mei Fan doesn't feel like she can carry Siegfeld on her back. Mei Fan says that they definitely can't replace Akira and Michiru, and Fumi tells her to get rid of that way of thinking. They don't need to replace them, when they can create their own new Edels. Fumi tells Mei Fan she needs to fight with her seniors, because there are a lot of things she can learn from fighting with them with all her might. She tells Mei Fan that now is her chance, to hit [Akira] and shatter her into smithereens. When Mei Fan says she probably shouldn't, Fumi says that it's okay, because Stage Girls will revive over and over again. Mei Fan is moved by this and says it's very persuasive coming from Fumi. Fumi says Mei Fan should just be herself... and go at it like she's going to die. Mei Fan then asks if Fumi will practice with her, and Fumi has to run off to buy her half-priced meat while Mei Fan continues to beg her for a lesson.

When Shizuha is the daily guest, Mei Fan sees Shizuha acting outside, saying she's looking to recruit fresh talent for her theater troupe to make into a star. She approaches Mei Fan and says she's always been looking for an actor like her, and she will become a star. Then Shizuha realizes that she was speaking to Mei Fan, and they exchange a familiar greeting. Shizuha was practicing for her role in her next play, which is a strict, spartan director who dresses in all black. Mei Fan says it sounds like a character she's heard of before. Shizuha apologizes, saying she tends to lose sight of her surroundings when she becomes too absorbed in her role, which Mei Fan says she's jealous of, because she can't focus at all recently. Shizuha asks Mei Fan to help her practice, because there's a scene where the director gives a rookie actress a lesson, and Shizuha doesn't have any experience being a strict director. Mei Fan says she gets a bad feeling about Shizuha's proposal, and Shizuha, already in her role, says that an actor should always be prepared to stand on stage, and Mei Fan plays along. Shizuha says this is the stage, where everything is exposed, and asks Mei Fan what she is. Mei Fan says she's a rookie actor, and Shizuha screams "WRONG", because she was asking what Mei Fan truly is. Mei Fan says she's Liu Mei Fan, Frau Rubin of Siegfeld Institute of Music. Shizuha says she's tacked something unnecessary on, and she should throw away her title, which has trapped her and made her unable to fly free. She asks Mei Fan what is tying down her heart, and after some deliberation, Mei Fan says it's Akira. When Shizuha asks Mei Fan what Akira is to her, Mei Fan begins to say she's a senior she should respect, and Shizuha cuts her off, asking what she is to her, specifically. Mei Fan says Akira is like a wall—a great wall that stretches for thousands of miles.
Shizuha asks if she will overcome that wall or turn tail and run away, and says that if she runs, she won't be able to see what lies on the other side. Mei Fan mumbles that she'll overcome it, and Shizuha screams at her to yell louder, from the depths of her soul, and asks Mei Fan how she will overcome it, and what she is. Mei Fan screams that she is a dragon, and she will unleash the dragon within her and fly over the great wall that is Akira. Shizuha breaks from her role, and says that that's Mei Fan's answer to her worries. Mei Fan asks if she did all of that for her, and Shizuha says it's true that she's practicing for that role, and although the lines are different, the exercise helped her. But more importantly, a Stage Girl's worries are best resolved through acting. Mei Fan asks if Shizuha will give her a lesson in order to overcome Akira, and Shizuha accepts, asking Mei Fan to help with her role as well. Shizuha gets back into her role and says they should start with a 10km run, and they run off, Mei Fan exclaiming that she's more spartan than she expected.

Ryoko is shown making a phone call to her mother, talking about her siblings, and assuring her mom that she's doing fine and could become an Edel one day. After the phone call ends, she resolves to use whatever means possible to achieve her goal if her effort alone isn't enough.

Minku is walking outside, wondering why everyone has to be so on edge, and why she came to this school. Michiru finds her and can immediately tell Minku is worried about something, since people watching is her hobby. Michiru then says she was surprised to hear that Minku was enrolling in Siegfeld, because she was actually a fan of the idol group she was in, Sweet Pleats, and her favorite member was Minku. She was sad to hear that Sweet Pleats disbanded, and tells Minku that there are a lot of fans still cheering them on, and it would be great if they could get back together one day. Minku says when she was in Sweet Pleats, Ichie Otonashi (who she calls Master) taught her a lot about being on stage, getting along with fans, and being an idol. However, Sweet Pleats was disbanded and she had to go separate ways with Ichie, so she doesn't know what to do anymore. Michiru asks why she decided to come to Siegfeld, and when she hears that Minku doesn't know, scolds her since there are many students that want to stand on Siegfeld's stage who she took the opportunity away from, and says she needs to face the stage properly. Minku seems to have realized something from Michiru's advice of "facing the stage", and runs off.

Stella is alone and haunted by the Korosu who bully her with negative remarks about how she failed to live up to everyone's expectations and became disqualified as a Stage Girl. She collapses on the floor, apologizing repeatedly, until Shiro finds her and the Korosu leave. Stella says that nothing will change, no matter where she is, and she'll always be Stella Siegfeld. Shiro tries to tell her that running away from the issue won't help, and that she needs to face it, but Stella shouts that she is, and she's always thinking about it, but she's scared of the stage. Shiro tries to comfort her, saying she can take it slow, and that she'll be there, but Stella shrugs her off and says she needs some time alone.

Akira walks in on them as Stella leaves, asking if she was interrupting something. Shiro says no, and says she has nothing to discuss with Akira when Akira tries to talk to her. Then, before Shiro leaves, Akira asks Shiro outright about why she's hiding her true strength. Akira says that from what she can see, Shiro possesses skills far greater than Stella's, and you could even say that Shiro is on par with the current Edels. She asks why Shiro is lurking in Stella's shadow. Shiro says she is a maid of the Siegfeld house, and says yes when Akira asks if she will remain a follower to the very end. Akira says that Shiro's pride in it is worth admiring, but it disqualifies her as a Stage Girl. Shiro is affronted by this and asks if Akira knows about Stella's past. She threatens Akira, saying that if Akira is speaking like that while knowing about Stella's past, she'll never forgive her. Akira is unfazed, and says she isn't asking to be forgiven, as they both go their separate ways.

Kuina is practicing Romeo's lines by herself, and says she won't be able to win against Stella, or even "that girl". Minku runs in, saying she has to talk to Kuina about something right away. Kuina obliges, and Minku asks her why she's so cold to her, and if she did anything to upset her, even though they've been so close since they were little. Kuina, visibly upset, says that it's obviously because Minku broke their promise. Minku is confused, and Kuina bursts out into anger, saying that Minku doesn't even remember, and that's how little what they swore on that day meant to her. Minku remembers, and starts to say something about the promise, but Kuina cuts her off and says she isn't going to speak to her ever again, and asks her to leave. Minku says she doesn't want to, and that she can't be without Kuina, and Kuina screams that she hates how Minku always acts so spoiled around others as soon as something's going wrong for her, and storms off. Minku begins a sad song which the rest of the junior high students slowly join, singing about their circumstances. Then, all five of them receive a call on their phones.

Akira and Michiru sing of their pride as Edels in the underground theater. Michiru worries about whether the junior high students will be okay, and Akira says that age doesn't matter when making a resolution, because as soon as one makes the resolution to stand on stage, a girl becomes a Stage Girl.

The junior high students appear, confused about where they are and how they got there. Elle's voice speaks to them, introducing herself and asking them to participate in a Revue, with their survival as Stage Girls on the line. Akira and Michiru introduce the Revues, saying that they are fated to disappear from the stage because they lack the brilliance of a Stage Girl, and that this theater's lighting, audio, and stage equipment will react to their brilliance. Ryoko asks if this is the rumored audition that will open the way to becoming a star, to which Elle says that the way to becoming a star will only open to those who have brilliance. Ryoko decides to participate in the Revue, and runs off. Minku and Kuina both join as well, leaving Stella and Shiro. Stella is haunted by the Korosu that threaten to pull her away, and Akira continues to egg them on, saying that Stella doesn't live up to her name. This gets Shiro to step in, telling Akira to stop, and threatening Akira for saying things that hurt Stella, and Akira asks if she will fight. Stella runs away into the depths of the theater, and Shiro chases after her, Akira and Michiru leaving in the other direction. Elle and Andrew begin the Revue.

Stella has run away, asking someone to help her, and runs into Ryoko, who throws her boomerang. Ryoko is elated at how the stage is responding to her, and begins attacking Stella fervently even though Stella is only in her school uniform, saying that she can't lose, for the sake of her family who are cheering her on. Stella begs her to stop, saying that she wanted to become friends with her. Ryoko laughs, and says that she was only befriending Stella because she wanted to use her, to protect herself from getting kicked out of Siegfeld. She says Stella must despise her, which Stella disagrees with, but Ryoko doesn't believe her. As the fight continues, Shiro and Akira appear, and Shiro calls out to Stella, asking how she can go up on the stage. Akira says she hasn't been called yet, and asks her what her reason for going up on stage is.

Ryoko tells Stella to give up if she won't fight, because she can't afford to lose, because she has no brilliance, and nothing. Stella wields a sword in her school uniform, and says that she doesn't want to lose to Ryoko, who thinks that she has no brilliance. Ryoko screams that this is her last chance, and Stella says that it's not, and that Ryoko reminds her of herself, because she has no confidence and thinks she has no brilliance, and that's why she doesn't want to lose to her. Stella says that Ryoko is shining brilliantly, because she made Stella remember what it feels like to not want to lose to someone, and that she doesn't feel scared to stand on stage if it's with Ryoko. Stella says she will teach Ryoko to see her own brilliance, and wins the Revue. She hugs Ryoko, and says she loves her because she was able to stand on stage again thanks to her. Stella says she has to go find Shiro, and leaves.

Minku and Kuina are fighting, and Kuina asks if that's all that Minku has, and tells her not to underestimate the stage. Kuina says she gave up everything in order to enter Siegfeld, gave up on everything fun in order to stand on stage, and she's different from Minku, who got in without any effort. Minku asks if Kuina really had to give up everything for the stage, because she always looks like she's in pain. She asks Kuina if the audience would want to watch her perform when she's having no fun. Minku says she shouldn't keep everything to herself, and Kuina should talk to her about it. Kuina starts to say that she can handle it herself without talking to Minku, and Minku points out that Kuina is always trying to do everything alone like that, and it even makes her acting egotistical. Kuina gets angry, and Minku says that's a bad habit of hers, getting angry as soon as something goes wrong. Kuina says "what do you know about me?" and Minku says she's always been watching Kuina, so she knows. She says she came to Siegfeld because Kuina was so dazzling when she talked about how fun the stage was, because she wanted to be with Kuina, and she begs Kuina not to hate her. Then she turns around, apologizing for crying, and asks Kuina to say her lines next; she says since this is a stage, everything they say is a line, and it might be easier to say something you might not usually say if you think of it like saying lines. Kuina says she doesn't need Minku on her stage, and Minku says she'll continue to go up on it regardless, and Kuina says she's so selfish for quitting being an idol and enrolling in Siegfeld. Kuina says Minku didn't have to quit being an idol just because Sweet Pleats disbanded, because she was cheering Minku on, and with her skills she could have done well anywhere. Minku apologizes, and Kuina admits that she might have wanted Minku to go back to her past self as well. Minku giggles because Kuina finally started acting together with her, and finally responded to her lines. Minku says she's decided to stand on stage, so they should go back to how they were when they were little. Kuina starts to say that they should, and then fakes out and hits her hand, asking if she really thought she would say that. Kuina says she'll never listen to Minku's preaching, calls her "idiot Minku", and says they should finally settle this. Minku laughs excitedly and says she won't lose either. Kuina wins the Revue in the end.

Stella stands on stage again, and the Korosu that haunt her dance around her until she strikes a pose and says she will not hesitate anymore. Akira says her Revue introduction as she slowly walks onto the stage. Akira says she'll determine if Stella's worthy to bear the name of Siegfeld through this Revue, and then throws Stella to the stairs. Akira says she feels nothing from Stella, and she's fallen terribly short of her expectations. Shiro appears, protecting Stella, and says she'll never forgive Akira. Akira takes the two of them on, and Stella is shocked when Shiro takes a hit for her, asking her why. Shiro says she swore on that day in Munich National Academy of Arts when Stella left the stage, that she'll protect her no matter what happens, and her sole reason for standing on stage is to protect Stella. Akira says that Stage Girls should be selfish, arrogant, and greedy, and that someone who lives for the sake of others is not qualified to be on stage. She says that Shiro is disqualified as a Stage Girl. Stella says that Shiro is not disqualified, and when Akira asks if she's getting defensive over her follower, Stella says she's wrong, and that Shiro is her precious friend. Akira claims that it's that kind of soft thinking that is making her fall behind on stage. Akira asks Shiro if she's ever thought poorly of Stella; what if Stella wasn't there, or if Shiro was born in her place in the Siegfeld family? When Shiro starts to protest, Akira asks if she can truly say that she never has. Akira continues to provoke her, saying that there must have been some nights where she cursed being born in the Ogami family, and thought about what would happen if Stella wasn't there, until Shiro tells her to shut up.

Akira and Shiro fight until Shiro gets kicked into a corner, and Stella yelps, apologizing to Shiro for making her hold all of that in all this time. Shiro says she's wrong, and that she'll do anything for Stella, and Stella says she'll become stronger, strong enough to protect Shiro one day. Akira says that she can't, because this is the stage, a battlefield where you fight with your own acting in order to win roles. Stella and Shiro say that the stage isn't just about fighting each other, that it's about working together hand in hand. Shiro says that this Revue won't determine their fates, and Stella says that they will decide their own fates. Akira says "exactly", and Mei Fan appears, saying they won't be able to knock down their king so easily. Mei Fan comments on how carefree Akira seems, and Akira says Mei Fan's face seems to have changed. Mei Fan says that she's resolved to carry Siegfeld on her back.

Michiru fights Ryoko, Minku, and Kuina alone, until Stella, Shiro, Akira, and Mei Fan join them. Michiru then introduces the special guest who she's invited to spice things up. They all begin fighting the junior high students, and Akira asks if their resolves are so weak. The junior high students say the first two lines of their Revue introductions, and then Regalia -Keishō- begins as they fight in the Revue.

The junior high students lose the Revue, but they all feel satisfied with it because they tried their best. Akira asks them if they really thought they could beat them, and Kuina quickly denies it. Mei Fan says it would be unprecedented if they lost, since they've already made a name for themselves. Michiru says that the junior high students have finally stood at the start line. Akira thanks the special guest for participating in the Revue and helping to stimulate their juniors, and when the guest responds that they can't lose either, Akira agrees, and tells everyone not to forget to devote themselves to their training (when the guest is Fumi, she appears to be visibly distressed, calls Fumi by her surname, and won't make eye contact with her). The scene fades to black, and Elle says that a Revue is not a once in a lifetime chance, and as long as you don't give up, you will have as many chances as you need.

Minku and Kuina are hanging out together after the Revue, and Minku comments on the strange Revue and the strange theater, and says the stage is so fun, and there's still a lot they have to learn. Kuina is surprised that there's something Minku taught her. Minku is confused, and Kuina says never mind. They remember the promise they made together on Mt. Fuji, where they promised to become the very best, Minku as an idol, and Kuina as a stage actress. Minku says she never forgot their promise, because she's still going to be number one. Kuina nervously asks if she's going to try to be the number one stage actress, and Minku's confidence wavers, and she says she wants to aim for number one, to the best of her ability. Kuina laughs, and Minku giggles, happy because Kuina finally laughed.

Ryoko and Stella meet up again, and Ryoko asks Stella to become friends with her for real. Stella excitedly accepts, and says she wanted to become friends with her. Ryoko freezes because she was surprised that Stella actually speaks so casually. Stella is surprised, but it's too late to fix her image, which she wished was refined because she's the daughter of the Siegfeld family. Ryoko says she likes Stella the way she is, and Stella hopes they can be good friends.

As Stella and Ryoko leave, Shiro and Akira, who were watching them from the sidelines, bump into each other again. Akira asks Shiro if she figured out her reason for standing on stage. Shiro says that even if Akira might find it foolish, Stella needs her. Akira looks away, and Shiro says it's just like how Akira, as the king, has the grand chancellor and knights. Akira says "is that so", appearing not quite satisfied, and they part ways.

Mei Fan runs to catch up with the guest, and bows deeply, thanking them for their help.

When Karen is the daily guest, Mei Fan says one day she will overcome Akira, and carry Siegfeld on her back, together with Yachiyo and Shiori. Karen says Mei Fan is shining brilliantly, and Mei Fan says she will never forget the brilliance she felt together with Karen, and Karen says she won't either. Mei Fan runs off while clapping and chanting Siegfeld, and Karen chants Seisho alongside her.

When Fumi is the daily guest, Fumi says she's thankful, and she was happy to fight for Siegfeld for the first time in a while. Mei Fan appears sad, and starts to say that she would have liked to stand on stage with Fumi more, until Fumi cuts her off gently. Mei Fan says she understands, that Fumi is with Rinmeikan now. Mei Fan promises to create a new set of Edels together with Yachiyo and Shiori. Fumi says that Rinmeikan won't lose either, and Mei Fan says she hopes for the same. Mei Fan excitedly runs off with renewed vigor, and Fumi looks after her fondly.

When Shizuha is the daily guest, Shizuha thanks Mei Fan for helping her with her role. Mei Fan says that Shizuha's acting will make everyone in the audience tremble. Shizuha gets back into her strict director role, asking Mei Fan to swear that she will try to overcome Akira. Mei Fan swears that she will, and they both laugh. Shizuha drags Mei Fan away asking if she wants to try her special drink while Mei Fan asks if she can go check if she's allowed to.

Akira and Michiru appear together, and Michiru says Akira's worked hard playing an easily hated role. Akira says that it seems like thanks to Michiru, various things were put into motion, which Michiru says was all for the sake of her cute juniors. Akira says that a future generation of Edels are growing, and Mei Fan says that they won't lose, because they're the Edels now after all, and Michiru agrees. Akira reflects on the junior high students, calling them Rohedelstein, "unrefined stones" of Edels. She says that whether they will remain as stones, or collide with each other and refine each other into brilliantly shining jewels, is up to them.

The junior high students stand together, and Kuina says they're finally standing at the starting line. Minku wonders what stages will be waiting for them after this. Ryoko says that they are friends, but they're also rivals, and Shiro says they will overcome their pasts and their fates. Stella calls out to everyone, to go to their next stage!


Siegfeld Logo
Siegfeld Institute of Music
Junior High
Minku Umibe Live Regalia2
Kokoro Kuge
Minku Umibe
Shiro Ogami Live Regalia2
Kanon Matsuzawa
Shiro Ogami
Stella Takachiho Live Regalia2
Hina Aoki
Stella Takachiho
Ryoko Kobato Live Regalia2
Ruka Fukagawa
Ryoko Kobato
Kuina Moriyasu Live Regalia2
Yuria Sato
Kuina Moriyasu
Michiru Otori Stage Regalia
Yuka Ozaki
Michiru Otori
Akira Yukishiro Stage Regalia
Hotaru Nomoto
Akira Yukishiro
Liu Mei Fan Stage Regalia
Yume Takeuchi
Liu Mei Fan
Daily Guests
Karen Aijo Stage Regalia
Momoyo Koyama
Karen Aijo
Fumi Yumeoji Stage Regalia
Reo Kurachi
Fumi Yumeoji
Shizuha Kocho Stage Regalia
Mikoi Sasaki
Shizuha Kocho


  • Arisa Shinohara as Kuromi Saikawa (teacher), Korosu
  • Kurumi Harada as Sui Ajia (student number 1), Korosu
  • Sakura Morinaga as Aruma Mitsuobi (student number 26), Korosu

After Talk Guests[]



Note: Bolded name(s) indicate the winner(s) of the Revue.


Main Part[]

  1. Queen of the Night aria (夜の女王のアリア, Yoru no Joō no aria) (Stella Takachiho)
  2. Deus ex Machina (デウス・エクス・マキナ) (ensemble)
  3. Attendance Confirmation (Minku Umibe, Ryoko Kobato and Kuina Moriyasu)
  4. Star Compass ~Hoshi no Ranshinban~ (Star Compass ~星の羅針盤~, Star Compass ~Star Compass~) (Stella Takachiho and Shiro Ogami)
  5. King's Back (Liu Mei Fan)
  6. Never Ending Dance (Stella Takachiho and Shiro Ogami)
  7. Secret Audition (Siegfeld Institute of Music Edels & Junior High and Kuromi Saikawa)
  8. Mikansei na Watashitachi (未完成な私たち, The Unfinished Us) (Siegfeld Institute of Music Junior High)
  9. Edel Pride (エーデルプライド) (Akira Yukishiro and Michiru Otori)
  10. Regalia -Keishō- (Regalia -継承-, Regalia -Succession-) (Siegfeld Institute of Music Edels & Junior High and guest star)
  11. No Stage No Life (Siegfeld Institute of Music Edels & Junior High and guest star)

Live Part[]

  1. Afuregu! ~Aufregendes leben~ (アフレぐ!〜Aufregendes leben〜) (performed by Siegfeld Institute of Music Junior High)
  2. Delight to me! (performed by Hotaru Nomoto, Yuka Ozaki and Yume Takeuchi)
  3. Everlasting Show to the SHOW! (performed by Siegfeld Institute of Music Edels & Junior High and guest star)
  4. Regalia -Keishō- (Regalia -継承-, Regalia -Succession-) (performed by Siegfeld Institute of Music Junior High)
  5. No Stage No Life (performed by Siegfeld Institute of Music Edels & Junior High, guest star and ensemble)



【Highlight Video】 Revue Starlight -The STAGE 中等部- Regalia

-The STAGE Junior High- Regalia Highlight Video


  • "Regalia" refers to emblems or insignia of royalty, especially the crown, sceptre, and other ornaments used at a coronation. It is also the type of distinctive clothing worn and ornaments carried at formal occasions as an indication of status.
  • The side characters in the class are named, which is unusual, and similar to the main five, their names are inspired by animals; the main junior high students' animals are all considered extinct, but these side characters' are all at risk.
    • Sui Ajia (亜細亜 翠, Ajia Sui) is from the wild water buffalo (アジアスイギュウ, ajia suigyū), which is endangered.
    • Aruma Mitsuobi (満鳴美 アルマ, Mitsuobi Aruma), is from the Brazilian three-banded armadillo (ミツオビアルマジロ, mitsuobi arumajiro), which is vulnerable.
    • Kuroumi Saikawa (犀川 黒海, Saikawa Kuromi) is from the black rhinoceros (クロサイ, kurosai), which is critically endangered.
  • Hikaru Tono and Haruka Kudō made a guest appearance during the live part of the matinee performance on October 24, where they performed "Delight to me!" with Hotaru Nomoto, Yuka Ozaki, and Yume Takeuchi.
    • A video of this performance was included with the Blu-ray.

