Revue Starlight Wiki
Revue Starlight Wiki

Starlight Kuku Gumi (スタァライト九九組, Sutaruraito Kuku Gumi), commonly stylized as Starlight Kukugumi, is the name for the cast members who play the nine main characters at the center of the Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight series, Seisho Music Academy's 99th Graduating Class. The members are the stars of the -The LIVE- stage play series and the anime.

Starlight Kuku Gumi is the official artist name under which the nine cast members release music.



A list of music released by Starlight Kuku Gumi, sorted by date and by type. For Re LIVE related releases with characters from Seisho Music Academy, see the Discography:Seisho Music Academy category. For songs from the musicals, see the Stage Play Music category.

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All (By Date)[]

Type Title Release Date
1st Single "Prologue -Star Divine-"
(プロローグ -Star Divine-)
September 20, 2017
Prologue Star Divine Cover Art
  1. Star Divine
  2. Butai Shōjo Kokoroe (舞台少女心得, The Knowledge of a Stage Girl)
  3. Negai wa Hikari ni Natte (願いは光になって, Your Wish Will Become the Radiance)
  4. Star Divine[Instrumental]
  5. Butai Shōjo Kokoroe[Instrumental]
  6. Negai wa Hikari ni Natte[Instrumental]
1st Limited Single "Principal -Fancy You-"
(プリンシパ -Fancy You-)
September 22, 2017
Principal Fancy You Cover Art
  1. Fancy You
  3. Jōnetsu no Mezameru Toki (情熱の目覚めるとき; The Awakening of a Passion)
  4. Fancy You[Instrumental]
  5. GANG☆STAR[Instrumental]
  6. Jōnetsu no Mezameru Toki[Instrumental]
2nd Single "Starlight Theater"
March 7, 2018
Starlight Theater Cover Art
  1. Starlight Theater (スタァライトシアター)
  2. Circle of the Revue
  3. Kirameki no Ari ka (キラめきのありか, Is "Brilliance" Even Possible?)
  4. Starlight Theater[Instrumental]
  5. Circle of the Revue[Instrumental]
  6. Kirameki no Ari ka[Instrumental]
3rd Single "Hoshi no DIALOGUE"
(星のダイアローグ, Star Dialogue)
July 18, 2018
Hoshi no DIALOGUE Cover Art
  1. Hoshi no Dialogue (星のダイアローグ, Star Dialogue)
  2. Discovery! (ディスカバリー!)
  3. Hoshi no Dialogue[Instrumental]
  4. Discovery![Instrumental]
4th Single "Fly Me to the Star" August 1, 2018
Fly Me to the Star Cover Art
  1. Fly Me to the Star
  2. Yoroshiku Kukugumi (よろしく九九組, Sincerely 99th Class)
  3. Romantic Cruisin' (ロマンティッククルージン)
  4. Fly Me to the Star[Instrumental]
  5. Yoroshiku Kukugumi[Instrumental]
  6. Romantic Cruisin'[Instrumental]
Revue Song Album Vol. 1 "Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Insert Song Album Vol.1 "La Revue de Matinée""
August 22, 2018
La Revue de Matinée Cover Art
  1. Sekai o Hai ni Suru Made (世界を灰にするまで, Until the World is Turned to Ash)
  2. The Star Knows
  3. Hokori to Ogori (誇りと驕り, Pride and Arrogance)
  4. Koi no Makyū (恋の魔球, Love's Wicked Pitch)
  5. Hanasaka Uta (花咲か唄, A Song or the Blooming of Flowers?)
  6. Fly Me to the Star #3
  7. Fly Me to the Star #4
  8. Fly Me to the Star #5
  9. Fly Me to the Star #6
  10. Fly Me to the Star #7
1st Stage Single "99 ILLUSION!" October 10, 2018
  1. 99 ILLUSION!
  2. Green Dazzling Light
  3. 99 ILLUSION! -instrumental-
  4. Green Dazzling Light -instrumental-
Revue Song Album Vol. 2 "Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Insert Songs Album Vol.2 "La Revue de Soirée""
October 17, 2018
La Revue de Soirée Cover Art
  2. Hoshiboshi no Kizuna (星々の絆, The Bonds of the Stars)
  3. -Star Divine- finale (-Star Divine- フィナーレ)
  4. Butai Shōjo Kokoroe Makuai (舞台少女心得 幕間, The Knowledge of a Stage Girl interlude)
  5. Starlight (スタァライト)
  6. Fly Me to the Star #8
  7. Fly Me to the Star #9
  8. Fly Me to the Star #10
  9. Fly Me to the Star #11
  10. Hoshi Tsumi no Uta (星摘みの歌, The Song of Starlight Gathering)
Anime Blu-ray CD 1 "My friend ~Arrie~" October 24, 2018
Bluray BOX 1 Album cover
  1. My friend ~Arrie~
  2. My friend ~Arrie~[Instrumental]
Anime Blu-ray CD 2 "You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~Gekijō no Ghost~"
(You are a ghost, I am a ghost 〜劇場のゴースト〜, You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~The Ghost of the Stage~)
December 26, 2018
Blu-ray BOX 2 Album cover
  1. You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~Gekijō no Ghost~ (You are a ghost, I am a ghost 〜劇場のゴースト〜, You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~The Ghost of the Stage~)
  2. You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~Gekijō no Ghost~[Instrumental]
5th Single "Yakusoku Tower"
(約束タワー, Promise Tower)
January 9, 2019
Yakusoku Tower Cover Art
  1. Yakusoku Tower (約束タワー, Promise Tower)
  2. Butai Preparation (舞台プレパレイション, Stage Preparation)
  3. Yakusoku Tower[Instrumental]
  4. Butai Preparation[Instrumental]
Anime Blu-ray CD 3 "Koi wa Taiyō ~CIRCUS!~"
(恋は太陽 ~CIRCUS!~, Love is the Sun ~CIRCUS!~)
February 27, 2019
Blu-ray BOX 3 Album cover
  1. Koi wa Taiyō ~CIRCUS!~ (恋は太陽 ~CIRCUS!~, Love is the Sun ~CIRCUS!~)
  2. Koi wa Taiyō ~CIRCUS!~[Instrumental]
2nd Stage Single "Hyakuiro Remain"
(百色リメイン, One Hundred Colors Remain)
April 17, 2019
Hyakuiro Remain MaHiKarenHyakuiro Remain MayaClau
Hyakuiro Remain JunNanaHyakuiro Remain FutaKao
  1. Hyakuiro Remain (百色リメイン, One Hundred Colors Remain)
  2. Bright!Light!
  3. Based on version:
    1. Hyakuiro Remain -Karen & Hikari & Mahiru ver.-
    2. Hyakuiro Remain -Maya & Claudine ver.-
    3. Hyakuiro Remain -Junna & Nana ver.-
    4. Hyakuiro Remain -Futaba & Kaoruko ver.-
  4. Hyakuiro Remain -instrumental-
  5. Bright!Light! -instrumental-
6th Single "Star Diamond" August 7, 2019
Star Diamond
  1. Star Diamond
  2. Butai Shōjo Taisō (舞台少女体操, Stage Girl Calisthenics)
  3. Star Diamond [Instrumental]
  4. Butai Shōjo Taisō [Instrumental]
7th Single "Star Parade" February 19, 2020
Star Parade
  1. Star Parade
  2. Junjou Unclassified (純情アンクラシファイド, Innocence Unclassified)
  3. Lesson Na Week!! (Lessonナweek!!)
  4. Star Parade [Instrumental]
  5. Junjou Unclassified [Instrumental]
  6. Lesson Na Week!! [Instrumental]
Rondo Theme Single "Saisei Sanbikyoku"
(再生讃美曲, Hymn to Rebirth)
September 9, 2020
Saisei Sanbikyoku Normal Edition
Saisei Sanbikyoku Limited Edition
  1. Saisei Sanbikyoku (再生讃美曲, Hymn to Rebirth)
  2. Sekai o Hai ni Suru Made -movie ver.- (世界を灰にするまで -movie ver.-, Until the World is Turned to Ash -movie ver.-)
  3. Hokori to Ogori -movie ver.- (誇りと驕り -movie ver.-, Pride and Arrogance -movie ver.-)
  4. The Star Knows ~Another~
  5. Koi no Makyū -Nana-kai Ura- (恋の魔球 -7回裏-, Love's Wicked Pitch -7th Inning-)
  6. Yoi • Hanasaka Uta (宵・花咲か唄, Evening • A Song or the Blooming of Flowers?)
  7. RE:CREATE -movie ver.-
  8. Hoshiboshi no Kizuna -movie ver.- (星々の絆 -movie ver.-, The Bonds of the Stars -movie ver.-)
  9. Star Diamond -movie ver.-
  10. Starlight -movie ver.- (スタァライト -movie ver.-)
  11. Saisei Sanbikyoku -movie ver.-
  12. Saisei Sanbikyoku -instrumental-
BLUE GLITTER Single "BLUE ANTHEM" December 9, 2020
BLUE ANTHEM Regular Edition
  1. BLUE ANTHEM (by Seiran General Art Institute)
  2. Re:PLAY
  3. BLUE ANTHEM -instrumental-
  4. Re:PLAY -instrumental-
Rondo Blu-ray CD "Suteki na Dress Kisasete yo"
(素敵なドレス着させてよ, Let Me Wear That Wonderful Dress)
February 24, 2021
Rondo Rondo Rondo Blu-ray BOX Album cover
  1. Suteki na Dress Kisasete yo (素敵なドレス着させてよ, Let Me Wear That Wonderful Dress)
  2. Suteki na Dress Kisasete yo (Instrumental)
Best Album "Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Best Album"
March 24, 2021
Best Album Normal Edition
Best Album Limited Edition
Best Album Canime Edition

Disc 1

  1. Hoshi no Dialogue (星のダイアローグ, Dialogue of the Stars)
  2. Star Diamond
  3. You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~Gekijō no Ghost~ (You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~劇場のゴースト~, You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~The Ghost of the Stage~)
  4. Butai Preparation (舞台プレパレイション, Stage Preparation)
  5. Romantic Cruisin' (ロマンティッククルージン)
  6. My friend ~Arrie~
  7. Junjou Unclassified (純情アンクラシファイド, Innocence Unclassified)
  8. Kirameki no Ari ka (キラめきのありか, Is "Brillance" Even Possible?)
  9. Star Parade
  10. Negai wa Hikari ni Natte (願いは光になって, Your Wish Will Become the Radiance)
  11. Yakusoku Tower (約束タワー, Promise Tower)

Disc 2

  1. Discovery! (ディスカバリー!)
  2. Butai Shōjo Taisō (舞台少女体操, Stage Girl Calisthenics)
  3. Koi wa Taiyō ~CIRCUS!~ (恋は太陽 ~CIRCUS!~, Love is the Sun ~CIRCUS!~)
  4. STARLIGHT Theater (スタァライトシアター)
  5. Fly Me to the Star
  6. Circle of the Revue
  7. Lesson na week!! (Lessonナweek!!)
  8. Yoroshiku Kuku Gumi (よろしく九九組, Sincerely 99th Class)
  9. Butai Shōjo Kokoroe (舞台少女心得, The Knowledge of a Stage Girl)
  10. Star Divine
  11. Polestar

Band Live "Starry Session" Draft CD (Limited and canime ver. only)

  1. Hanasaka Uta (花咲か唄; A Song or the Blooming of Flowers?)
    [performed by Momoyo Koyama as Karen Aijo and Haruki Iwata as Mahiru Tsuyuzaki]
  2. Jōnetsu no Mezameru Toki (情熱の目覚めるとき; The Awakening of a Passion)
    [performed by Suzuko Mimori as Hikari Kagura and Ayasa Itō as Kaoruko Hanayagi]
  3. Ittōsei no Procyon (1等星のプロキオン; Procyon the Bright)
    [performed by Momoyo Koyama as Karen Aijo, Aina Aiba as Claudine Saijo, Maho Tomita as Maya Tendo and Moeka Koizumi as Nana Daiba]
  4. Hokori to Ogori (誇りと驕り; Pride and Arrogance)
    [performed by Teru Ikuta as Futaba Isurugi and Ayasa Itō as Kaoruko Hanayagi]
  5. Fancy You
    [performed by Aina Aiba as Claudine Saijo and Maho Tomita as Maya Tendo]
    [performed by Hinata Satō as Junna Hoshimi]
  7. Koi wa Taiyō ~CIRCUS!~ (恋は太陽 ~CIRCUS!~; Love is the Sun ~CIRCUS!~)
    [performed by Suzuko Mimori as Hikari Kagura and Maho Tomita as Maya Tendo]
  8. Gyoshite Gyosha-za (御してぎょしゃ座; Auriga the Charioteer)
    [performed by Aina Aiba as Claudine Saijo and Moeka Koizumi as Nana Daiba]
  9. Otte Owarete Sirius (追って追われてシリウス; Chasing Sirius)
    [performed by Maho Tomita as Maya Tendo and Moeka Koizumi as Nana Daiba]
    [performed by Momoyo Koyama as Karen Aijo, Suzuko Mimori as Hikari Kagura, Haruki Iwata as Mahiru Tsuyuzaki and Hinata Satō as Junna Hoshimi]
  11. Hoshiboshi no Kizuna (星々の絆; The Bonds of the Stars)
    [performed by Ayasa Itō as Kaoruko Hanayagi]
  12. Onikurenai Nin Emaki (鬼紅忍絵巻; Onikurenai Ninja's Scroll)
    [performed by Haruki Iwata as Mahiru Tsuyuzaki and Aina Aiba as Claudine Saijo]
  13. Koi no Makyū (恋の魔球; Love's Wicked Pitch)
    [performed by Suzuko Mimori as Hikari Kagura and Teru Ikuta as Futaba Isurugi]
  14. Rose Poems
    [performed by Hinata Satō as Junna Hoshimi and Moeka Koizumi as Nana Daiba]
  15. You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~Gekijō no Ghost~ (You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~劇場のゴースト~; You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~The Ghost of the Stage~)
    [performed by Haruki Iwata as Mahiru Tsuyuzaki, Teru Ikuta as Futaba Isurugi and Ayasa Itō as Kaoruko Hanayagi]
  16. Zeus no Chūsai (ゼウスの仲裁; Zeus's Decision)
    [performed by Momoyo Koyama as Karen Aijo, Hinata Satō as Junna Hoshimi and Teru Ikuta as Futaba Isurugi]

Polestar Character Version CD (Bonus CD based on store benefits)

Movie Theme Single "Watashitachi wa Mō Butai no Ue"
(私たちはもう舞台の上, We Are Already on the Stage)
June 30, 2021
Watashitachi wa Mō Butai no Ue
  1. Watashitachi wa Mō Butai no Ue (私たちはもう舞台の上, We Are Already on the Stage)
  2. Dream of You
  3. Watashitachi wa Mō Butai no Ue -movie ver.-
  4. Watashitachi wa Mō Butai no Ue -instrumental-
  5. Dream of You -instrumental-
3rd Stage Single "Saikai Aizu"
(サイカイ合図, Saikai Signal)
July 14, 2021
Saikai Aizu Flower ver
Saikai Aizu Star ver
  1. Saikai Aizu (サイカイ合図, Saikai Signal)
  2. Seishun Traveler (青春トラベラー, Youth Traveler)
  3. Based on version:
    1. Flower: Saikai Aizu Karen ver.
    2. Star: Saikai Aizu Hikari ver.
  4. Saikai Aizu -instrumental-
  5. Seishun Traveler -instrumental-
Movie Revue Song Album Vol. 1 "Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Movie Insert Songs Album Vol. 1"
July 21, 2021
Movie Insert Songs Vol. 1
  1. Wagamama Highway (わがままハイウェイ, Selfish Highway)
  3. Utsukushiki Hito Arui wa Sore wa (美しき人 或いは其れは, A Beautiful Person, Or Perhaps It Is)
  4. Chō no Mau ni wa (蝶の舞う庭, Butterfly Garden)
  5. child stars
  6. ki-ringtrain
  7. Sekai wa Watashitachi no... (世界は私たちの…, Our World...)
  8. Kirin no Tame no Requiem (キリンのためのレクイエム, Requiem for the Giraffe)
  9. Yakusoku Tower ~echo~ (約束タワー ~echo~, Promise Tower ~echo~)
Movie Revue Song Album Vol. 2 "Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Movie Insert Songs Album Vol. 2"
July 21, 2021
Movie Insert Songs Vol. 2
  1. wi(l)d-screen baroque
  2. Pen:Chikara:Katana (ペン:力:刀, Pen:Power:Sword)
  3. Super Star Spectacle (スーパー スタァ スペクタクル, Super Star Spectacle)
  4. color temperature
  5. station zero
  6. Suna to Arabesque (砂とアラベスク, Sand and Arabesque)
  7. luminance
  8. focus
  9. Kirakira! Kiramira (キラキラ!キラミラ, Sparkling! Sparkles)
Movie Blu-ray CD "Butaiura no Revue"
(舞台裏のレヴュー, Revue of Backstage)
December 22, 2021
Movie Blu-ray cover
  1. Butaiura no Revue (舞台裏のレヴュー, Revue of Backstage)
  2. Butaiura no Revue (Instrumental)
4th Stage Single "Kiraboshi Distance"
(綺羅星ディスタンス, Glittering Stars Distance)
February 22, 2023
Kiraboshi Distance Regular Edition
Kiraboshi Distance Limited Edition
  1. Kiraboshi Distance (綺羅星ディスタンス, Glittering Stars Distance)
  2. Caramelized Finale (キャラメリーゼフィナーレ)
  3. Kiraboshi Distance -instrumental-
  4. Caramelized Finale -instrumental-
El Dorado OP Theme Single "Star Darling" June 26, 2024
Star Darling
  1. Star Darling
  2. Butai ni Koishite (舞台に恋して, Falling for the Stage)
  3. Star Darling (Short size)
  4. Star Darling (Instrumental)
  5. Butai ni Koishite (Instrumental)
El Dorado Album "Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Butai Sōzōgeki Harukanaru El Dorado Insert Songs Album" September 18, 2024
El Dorado Insert Songs Album

Disc 1

  1. Madobe no Highlight (窓辺のハイライト, Highlight in the Window)
  2. Fukushū no Ken (復讐の剣, Sword of Vengeance) (Junna × Karen ver.)
  3. Fukushū no Ken (復讐の剣, Sword of Vengeance) (Kaoruko × Maya ver.)
  4. Fukushū no Ken (復讐の剣, Sword of Vengeance) (Futaba × Claudine ver.)
  5. Fukushū no Ken (復讐の剣, Sword of Vengeance) (Mahiru × Nana ver.)
  6. Fukushū no Ken (復讐の剣, Sword of Vengeance) (Hikari × Karen ver.)
  7. LIFE IS LIKE A VOYAGE (Junna × Karen ver.)
  8. LIFE IS LIKE A VOYAGE (Kaoruko × Maya ver.)
  9. LIFE IS LIKE A VOYAGE (Futaba × Claudine ver.)
  10. LIFE IS LIKE A VOYAGE (Mahiru × Nana ver.)
  11. LIFE IS LIKE A VOYAGE (Hikari × Karen ver.)

(Disc 2 instrumental soundtrack omitted, see album page)

El Dorado EP "Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Butai Sōzōgeki Harukanaru El Dorado Insert Songs EP" September 18, 2024
El Dorado Insert Songs EP
  1. PRIDE
  2. Jūgo-ji Mystery ~Shūmatsu Tantei Geki Yori~ (十五時ミステリ~週末探偵劇より~, 15 o'clock Mystery ~From Weekend Detective Drama~)
  3. My Cheer Girl! ~Walk Over Yori~ (My Cheer Girl!~ウォークオーバーより~, My Cheer Girl! ~From Walk Over~)
  4. Hakuchō no Serenade ~Ginga Yogatari Yori~ (白鳥のセレナーデ~銀河夜語より~, Swan's Serenade ~From Galactic Night Story~)
  5. PRIDE [Instrumental]
  6. Jūgo-ji Mystery ~Shūmatsu Tantei Geki Yori~ [Instrumental]
  7. My Cheer Girl! ~Walk Over Yori~ [Instrumental]
  8. Hakuchō no Serenade ~Ginga Yogatari Yori~ [Instrumental]


Type Title Release Date
1st Single "Prologue -Star Divine-"
(プロローグ -Star Divine-)
September 20, 2017
Prologue Star Divine Cover Art
  1. Star Divine
  2. Butai Shōjo Kokoroe (舞台少女心得, The Knowledge of a Stage Girl)
  3. Negai wa Hikari ni Natte (願いは光になって, Your Wish Will Become the Radiance)
  4. Star Divine[Instrumental]
  5. Butai Shōjo Kokoroe[Instrumental]
  6. Negai wa Hikari ni Natte[Instrumental]
1st Limited Single "Principal -Fancy You-"
(プリンシパ -Fancy You-)
September 22, 2017
Principal Fancy You Cover Art
  1. Fancy You
  3. Jōnetsu no Mezameru Toki (情熱の目覚めるとき; The Awakening of a Passion)
  4. Fancy You[Instrumental]
  5. GANG☆STAR[Instrumental]
  6. Jōnetsu no Mezameru Toki[Instrumental]
2nd Single "Starlight Theater"
March 7, 2018
Starlight Theater Cover Art
  1. Starlight Theater (スタァライトシアター)
  2. Circle of the Revue
  3. Kirameki no Ari ka (キラめきのありか, Is "Brilliance" Even Possible?)
  4. Starlight Theater[Instrumental]
  5. Circle of the Revue[Instrumental]
  6. Kirameki no Ari ka[Instrumental]
3rd Single "Hoshi no DIALOGUE"
(星のダイアローグ, Star Dialogue)
July 18, 2018
Hoshi no DIALOGUE Cover Art
  1. Hoshi no Dialogue (星のダイアローグ, Star Dialogue)
  2. Discovery! (ディスカバリー!)
  3. Hoshi no Dialogue[Instrumental]
  4. Discovery![Instrumental]
4th Single "Fly Me to the Star" August 1, 2018
Fly Me to the Star Cover Art
  1. Fly Me to the Star
  2. Yoroshiku Kukugumi (よろしく九九組, Sincerely 99th Class)
  3. Romantic Cruisin' (ロマンティッククルージン)
  4. Fly Me to the Star[Instrumental]
  5. Yoroshiku Kukugumi[Instrumental]
  6. Romantic Cruisin'[Instrumental]
5th Single "Yakusoku Tower"
(約束タワー, Promise Tower)
January 9, 2019
Yakusoku Tower Cover Art
  1. Yakusoku Tower (約束タワー, Promise Tower)
  2. Butai Preparation (舞台プレパレイション, Stage Preparation)
  3. Yakusoku Tower[Instrumental]
  4. Butai Preparation[Instrumental]
6th Single "Star Diamond" August 7, 2019
Star Diamond
  1. Star Diamond
  2. Butai Shōjo Taisō (舞台少女体操, Stage Girl Calisthenics)
  3. Star Diamond [Instrumental]
  4. Butai Shōjo Taisō [Instrumental]
7th Single "Star Parade" February 19, 2020
Star Parade
  1. Star Parade
  2. Junjou Unclassified (純情アンクラシファイド, Innocence Unclassified)
  3. Lesson Na Week!! (Lessonナweek!!)
  4. Star Parade [Instrumental]
  5. Junjou Unclassified [Instrumental]
  6. Lesson Na Week!! [Instrumental]

Stage Singles[]

Type Title Release Date
1st Stage Single "99 ILLUSION!" October 10, 2018
  1. 99 ILLUSION!
  2. Green Dazzling Light
  3. 99 ILLUSION! -instrumental-
  4. Green Dazzling Light -instrumental-
2nd Stage Single "Hyakuiro Remain"
(百色リメイン, One Hundred Colors Remain)
April 17, 2019
Hyakuiro Remain MaHiKarenHyakuiro Remain MayaClau
Hyakuiro Remain JunNanaHyakuiro Remain FutaKao
  1. Hyakuiro Remain (百色リメイン, One Hundred Colors Remain)
  2. Bright!Light!
  3. Based on version:
    1. Hyakuiro Remain -Karen & Hikari & Mahiru ver.-
    2. Hyakuiro Remain -Maya & Claudine ver.-
    3. Hyakuiro Remain -Junna & Nana ver.-
    4. Hyakuiro Remain -Futaba & Kaoruko ver.-
  4. Hyakuiro Remain -instrumental-
  5. Bright!Light! -instrumental-
BLUE GLITTER Single "BLUE ANTHEM" December 9, 2020
BLUE ANTHEM Regular Edition
  1. BLUE ANTHEM (by Seiran General Art Institute)
  2. Re:PLAY
  3. BLUE ANTHEM -instrumental-
  4. Re:PLAY -instrumental-
3rd Stage Single "Saikai Aizu"
(サイカイ合図, Saikai Signal)
July 14, 2021
Saikai Aizu Flower ver
Saikai Aizu Star ver
  1. Saikai Aizu (サイカイ合図, Saikai Signal)
  2. Seishun Traveler (青春トラベラー, Youth Traveler)
  3. Based on version:
    1. Flower: Saikai Aizu Karen ver.
    2. Star: Saikai Aizu Hikari ver.
  4. Saikai Aizu -instrumental-
  5. Seishun Traveler -instrumental-
4th Stage Single "Kiraboshi Distance"
(綺羅星ディスタンス, Glittering Stars Distance)
February 22, 2023
Kiraboshi Distance Regular Edition
Kiraboshi Distance Limited Edition
  1. Kiraboshi Distance (綺羅星ディスタンス, Glittering Stars Distance)
  2. Caramelized Finale (キャラメリーゼフィナーレ)
  3. Kiraboshi Distance -instrumental-
  4. Caramelized Finale -instrumental-

Insert Song Albums[]

Type Title Release Date
Revue Song Album Vol. 1 "Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Insert Songs Album Vol.1 "La Revue de Matinée""
August 22, 2018
La Revue de Matinée Cover Art
  1. Sekai o Hai ni Suru Made (世界を灰にするまで, Until the World is Turned to Ash)
  2. The Star Knows
  3. Hokori to Ogori (誇りと驕り, Pride and Arrogance)
  4. Koi no Makyū (恋の魔球, Love's Wicked Pitch)
  5. Hanasaka Uta (花咲か唄, A Song or the Blooming of Flowers?)
  6. Fly Me to the Star #3
  7. Fly Me to the Star #4
  8. Fly Me to the Star #5
  9. Fly Me to the Star #6
  10. Fly Me to the Star #7
Revue Song Album Vol. 2 "Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Insert Songs Album Vol.2 "La Revue de Soirée""
October 17, 2018
La Revue de Soirée Cover Art
  2. Hoshiboshi no Kizuna (星々の絆, The Bonds of the Stars)
  3. -Star Divine- finale (-Star Divine- フィナーレ)
  4. Butai Shōjo Kokoroe Makuai (舞台少女心得 幕間, The Knowledge of a Stage Girl interlude)
  5. Starlight (スタァライト)
  6. Fly Me to the Star #8
  7. Fly Me to the Star #9
  8. Fly Me to the Star #10
  9. Fly Me to the Star #11
  10. Hoshi Tsumi no Uta (星摘みの歌, The Song of Starlight Gathering)
Movie Revue Song Album Vol. 1 "Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Movie Insert Songs Album Vol. 1"
July 21, 2021
Movie Insert Songs Vol. 1
  1. Wagamama Highway (わがままハイウェイ, Selfish Highway)
  3. Utsukushiki Hito Arui wa Sore wa (美しき人 或いは其れは, A Beautiful Person, Or Perhaps It Is)
  4. Chō no Mau ni wa (蝶の舞う庭, Butterfly Garden)
  5. child stars
  6. ki-ringtrain
  7. Sekai wa Watashitachi no... (世界は私たちの…, Our World...)
  8. Kirin no Tame no Requiem (キリンのためのレクイエム, Requiem for the Giraffe)
  9. Yakusoku Tower ~echo~ (約束タワー ~echo~, Promise Tower ~echo~)
Movie Revue Song Album Vol. 2 "Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Movie Insert Songs Album Vol. 2"
July 21, 2021
Movie Insert Songs Vol. 2
  1. wi(l)d-screen baroque
  2. Pen:Chikara:Katana (ペン:力:刀, Pen:Power:Sword)
  3. Super Star Spectacle (スーパー スタァ スペクタクル, Super Star Spectacle)
  4. color temperature
  5. station zero
  6. Suna to Arabesque (砂とアラベスク, Sand and Arabesque)
  7. luminance
  8. focus
  9. Kirakira! Kiramira (キラキラ!キラミラ, Sparkling! Sparkles)
El Dorado Album "Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Butai Sōzōgeki Harukanaru El Dorado Insert Songs Album" September 18, 2024
El Dorado Insert Songs Album

Disc 1

  1. Madobe no Highlight (窓辺のハイライト, Highlight in the Window)
  2. Fukushū no Ken (復讐の剣, Sword of Vengeance) (Junna × Karen ver.)
  3. Fukushū no Ken (復讐の剣, Sword of Vengeance) (Kaoruko × Maya ver.)
  4. Fukushū no Ken (復讐の剣, Sword of Vengeance) (Futaba × Claudine ver.)
  5. Fukushū no Ken (復讐の剣, Sword of Vengeance) (Mahiru × Nana ver.)
  6. Fukushū no Ken (復讐の剣, Sword of Vengeance) (Hikari × Karen ver.)
  7. LIFE IS LIKE A VOYAGE (Junna × Karen ver.)
  8. LIFE IS LIKE A VOYAGE (Kaoruko × Maya ver.)
  9. LIFE IS LIKE A VOYAGE (Futaba × Claudine ver.)
  10. LIFE IS LIKE A VOYAGE (Mahiru × Nana ver.)
  11. LIFE IS LIKE A VOYAGE (Hikari × Karen ver.)

(Disc 2 instrumental soundtrack omitted, see album page)

El Dorado EP "Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Butai Sōzōgeki Harukanaru El Dorado Insert Songs EP" September 18, 2024
El Dorado Insert Songs EP
  1. PRIDE
  2. Jūgo-ji Mystery ~Shūmatsu Tantei Geki Yori~ (十五時ミステリ~週末探偵劇より~, 15 o'clock Mystery ~From Weekend Detective Drama~)
  3. My Cheer Girl! ~Walk Over Yori~ (My Cheer Girl!~ウォークオーバーより~, My Cheer Girl! ~From Walk Over~)
  4. Hakuchō no Serenade ~Ginga Yogatari Yori~ (白鳥のセレナーデ~銀河夜語より~, Swan's Serenade ~From Galactic Night Story~)
  5. PRIDE [Instrumental]
  6. Jūgo-ji Mystery ~Shūmatsu Tantei Geki Yori~ [Instrumental]
  7. My Cheer Girl! ~Walk Over Yori~ [Instrumental]
  8. Hakuchō no Serenade ~Ginga Yogatari Yori~ [Instrumental]


Type Title Release Date
Best Album "Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Best Album"
March 24, 2021
Best Album Normal Edition
Best Album Limited Edition
Best Album Canime Edition

Disc One

  1. Hoshi no Dialogue (星のダイアローグ, Dialogue of the Stars)
  2. Star Diamond
  3. You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~Gekijō no Ghost~ (You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~劇場のゴースト~, You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~The Ghost of the Stage~)
  4. Butai Preparation (舞台プレパレイション, Stage Preparation)
  5. Romantic Cruisin' (ロマンティッククルージン)
  6. My friend ~Arrie~
  7. Junjou Unclassified (純情アンクラシファイド, Innocence Unclassified)
  8. Kirameki no Ari ka (キラめきのありか, Is "Brillance" Even Possible?)
  9. Star Parade
  10. Negai wa Hikari ni Natte (願いは光になって, Your Wish Will Become the Radiance)
  11. Yakusoku Tower (約束タワー, Promise Tower)

Disc Two

  1. Discovery! (ディスカバリー!)
  2. Butai Shōjo Taisō (舞台少女体操, Stage Girl Calisthenics)
  3. Koi wa Taiyō ~CIRCUS!~ (恋は太陽 ~CIRCUS!~, Love is the Sun ~CIRCUS!~)
  4. STARLIGHT Theater (スタァライトシアター)
  5. Fly Me to the Star
  6. Circle of the Revue
  7. Lesson na week!! (Lessonナweek!!)
  8. Yoroshiku Kuku Gumi (よろしく九九組, Sincerely 99th Class)
  9. Butai Shōjo Kokoroe (舞台少女心得, The Knowledge of a Stage Girl)
  10. Star Divine
  11. Polestar

Band Live "Starry Session" Draft CD (Limited and canime ver. only)

  1. Hanasaka Uta (花咲か唄; A Song or the Blooming of Flowers?)
    [performed by Momoyo Koyama as Karen Aijo and Haruki Iwata as Mahiru Tsuyuzaki]
  2. Jōnetsu no Mezameru Toki (情熱の目覚めるとき; The Awakening of a Passion)
    [performed by Suzuko Mimori as Hikari Kagura and Ayasa Itō as Kaoruko Hanayagi]
  3. Ittōsei no Procyon (1等星のプロキオン; Procyon the Bright)
    [performed by Momoyo Koyama as Karen Aijo, Aina Aiba as Claudine Saijo, Maho Tomita as Maya Tendo and Moeka Koizumi as Nana Daiba]
  4. Hokori to Ogori (誇りと驕り; Pride and Arrogance)
    [performed by Teru Ikuta as Futaba Isurugi and Ayasa Itō as Kaoruko Hanayagi]
  5. Fancy You
    [performed by Aina Aiba as Claudine Saijo and Maho Tomita as Maya Tendo]
    [performed by Hinata Satō as Junna Hoshimi]
  7. Koi wa Taiyō ~CIRCUS!~ (恋は太陽 ~CIRCUS!~; Love is the Sun ~CIRCUS!~)
    [performed by Suzuko Mimori as Hikari Kagura and Maho Tomita as Maya Tendo]
  8. Gyoshite Gyosha-za (御してぎょしゃ座; Auriga the Charioteer)
    [performed by Aina Aiba as Claudine Saijo and Moeka Koizumi as Nana Daiba]
  9. Otte Owarete Sirius (追って追われてシリウス; Chasing Sirius)
    [performed by Maho Tomita as Maya Tendo and Moeka Koizumi as Nana Daiba]
    [performed by Momoyo Koyama as Karen Aijo, Suzuko Mimori as Hikari Kagura, Haruki Iwata as Mahiru Tsuyuzaki and Hinata Satō as Junna Hoshimi]
  11. Hoshiboshi no Kizuna (星々の絆; The Bonds of the Stars)
    [performed by Ayasa Itō as Kaoruko Hanayagi]
  12. Onikurenai Nin Emaki (鬼紅忍絵巻; Onikurenai Ninja's Scroll)
    [performed by Haruki Iwata as Mahiru Tsuyuzaki and Aina Aiba as Claudine Saijo]
  13. Koi no Makyū (恋の魔球; Love's Wicked Pitch)
    [performed by Suzuko Mimori as Hikari Kagura and Teru Ikuta as Futaba Isurugi]
  14. Rose Poems
    [performed by Hinata Satō as Junna Hoshimi and Moeka Koizumi as Nana Daiba]
  15. You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~Gekijō no Ghost~ (You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~劇場のゴースト~; You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~The Ghost of the Stage~)
    [performed by Haruki Iwata as Mahiru Tsuyuzaki, Teru Ikuta as Futaba Isurugi and Ayasa Itō as Kaoruko Hanayagi]
  16. Zeus no Chūsai (ゼウスの仲裁; Zeus's Decision)
    [performed by Momoyo Koyama as Karen Aijo, Hinata Satō as Junna Hoshimi and Teru Ikuta as Futaba Isurugi]

Polestar Character Version CD (Bonus CD based on store benefits)

BD Bonus CDs[]

Type Title Release Date
Anime Blu-ray CD 1 "My friend ~Arrie~"
October 24, 2018
Bluray BOX 1 Album cover
  1. My friend ~Arrie~
  2. My friend ~Arrie~[Instrumental]
Anime Blu-ray CD 2 "You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~Gekijō no Ghost~"
(You are a ghost, I am a ghost 〜劇場のゴースト〜, You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~The Ghost of the Stage~)
December 26, 2018
Blu-ray BOX 2 Album cover
  1. You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~Gekijō no Ghost~ (You are a ghost, I am a ghost 〜劇場のゴースト〜, You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~The Ghost of the Stage~)
  2. You are a ghost, I am a ghost ~Gekijō no Ghost~[Instrumental]
Anime Blu-ray CD 3 "Koi wa Taiyō ~CIRCUS!~"
(恋は太陽 ~CIRCUS!~, Love is the Sun ~CIRCUS!~)
February 27, 2019
Blu-ray BOX 3 Album cover
  1. Koi wa Taiyō ~CIRCUS!~ (恋は太陽 ~CIRCUS!~, Love is the Sun ~CIRCUS!~)
  2. Koi wa Taiyō ~CIRCUS!~[Instrumental]
Rondo Blu-ray CD "Suteki na Dress Kisasete yo"
(素敵なドレス着させてよ, Let Me Wear That Wonderful Dress)
February 24, 2021
Rondo Rondo Rondo Blu-ray BOX Album cover
  1. Suteki na Dress Kisasete yo (素敵なドレス着させてよ, Let Me Wear That Wonderful Dress)
  2. Suteki na Dress Kisasete yo (Instrumental)
Movie Blu-ray CD "Butaiura no Revue"
(舞台裏のレヴュー, Revue of Backstage)
December 22, 2021
Movie Blu-ray cover
  1. Butaiura no Revue (舞台裏のレヴュー, Revue of Backstage)
  2. Butaiura no Revue (Instrumental)

Theme Song Singles[]

Type Title Release Date
Rondo Theme Single "Saisei Sanbikyoku"
(再生讃美曲, Hymn to Rebirth)
September 9, 2020
Saisei Sanbikyoku Normal Edition
Saisei Sanbikyoku Limited Edition
  1. Saisei Sanbikyoku (再生讃美曲, Hymn to Rebirth)
  2. Sekai o Hai ni Suru Made -movie ver.- (世界を灰にするまで -movie ver.-, Until the World is Turned to Ash -movie ver.-)
  3. Hokori to Ogori -movie ver.- (誇りと驕り -movie ver.-, Pride and Arrogance -movie ver.-)
  4. The Star Knows ~Another~
  5. Koi no Makyū -Nana-kai Ura- (恋の魔球 -7回裏-, Love's Wicked Pitch -7th Inning-)
  6. Yoi • Hanasaka Uta (宵・花咲か唄, Evening • A Song or the Blooming of Flowers?)
  7. RE:CREATE -movie ver.-
  8. Hoshiboshi no Kizuna -movie ver.- (星々の絆 -movie ver.-, The Bonds of the Stars -movie ver.-)
  9. Star Diamond -movie ver.-
  10. Starlight -movie ver.- (スタァライト -movie ver.-)
  11. Saisei Sanbikyoku -movie ver.-
  12. Saisei Sanbikyoku -instrumental-
Movie Theme Single "Watashitachi wa Mō Butai no Ue"
(私たちはもう舞台の上, We Are Already on the Stage)
June 30, 2021
Watashitachi wa Mō Butai no Ue
  1. Watashitachi wa Mō Butai no Ue (私たちはもう舞台の上, We Are Already on the Stage)
  2. Dream of You
  3. Watashitachi wa Mō Butai no Ue -movie ver.-
  4. Watashitachi wa Mō Butai no Ue -instrumental-
  5. Dream of You -instrumental-
El Dorado OP Theme Single "Star Darling" June 26, 2024
Star Darling
  1. Star Darling
  2. Butai ni Koishite (舞台に恋して, Falling for the Stage)
  3. Star Darling (Short size)
  4. Star Darling (Instrumental)
  5. Butai ni Koishite (Instrumental)
