Revue Starlight Wiki
Revue Starlight Wiki

Twinkle Yell (トゥインクルエール) is a song for the Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight -The LIVE- 4 Climax stage play, as well as the ninth track on the special CD included with the Blu-ray.


  1. 3·7·5·1·0
  2. Yukishiro Sensen Fukoku (雪代宣戦布告, Yukishiro Declaration of War)
  3. Shin Kokuritsu Dai Ichi Kagekidan e Yōkoso (新国立第一歌劇団へようこそ, Welcome to the New National First Theater Troupe)
  4. Polaris (ポラリス)
  5. Ai ni Nare (愛になれ, Become Love)
  6. Ao ni Sayonara (青にさよなら, Farewell to Blue)
  7. Hello! New York! (ハロー!ニューヨーク!)
  8. Seishun Traveler ~ Climax ver. (青春トラベラー ~ Climax ver., Youth Traveler ~ Climax ver.)
  9. Twinkle Yell (トゥインクルエール)
  10. Honne Katari (本音語り, Honest Talk)
  11. Ketchaku (決着, Conclusion)
  12. Star Divine ~ Climax ver.
  13. Bright!Light! ~ Climax ver.
  14. The Show Must Go On! ~ Climax ver.
  15. Saikai Aizu ~ Climax ver. (サイカイ合図 ~ Climax ver.; Saikai Signal ~ Climax ver.)
  16. Kiraboshi Distance (綺羅星ディスタンス, Glittering Star Distance)
  17. Green Dazzling Light ~ Climax ver.


