Twinkle Yell (トゥインクルエール) is a song for the Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight -The LIVE- 4 Climax stage play, as well as the ninth track on the special CD included with the Blu-ray.
- 3·7·5·1·0
- Yukishiro Sensen Fukoku (雪代宣戦布告, Yukishiro Declaration of War)
- Shin Kokuritsu Dai Ichi Kagekidan e Yōkoso (新国立第一歌劇団へようこそ, Welcome to the New National First Theater Troupe)
- Polaris (ポラリス)
- Ai ni Nare (愛になれ, Become Love)
- Ao ni Sayonara (青にさよなら, Farewell to Blue)
- Hello! New York! (ハロー!ニューヨーク!)
- Seishun Traveler ~ Climax ver. (青春トラベラー ~ Climax ver., Youth Traveler ~ Climax ver.)
- Twinkle Yell (トゥインクルエール)
- Honne Katari (本音語り, Honest Talk)
- Ketchaku (決着, Conclusion)
- Star Divine ~ Climax ver.
- Bright!Light! ~ Climax ver.
- The Show Must Go On! ~ Climax ver.
- Saikai Aizu ~ Climax ver. (サイカイ合図 ~ Climax ver.; Saikai Signal ~ Climax ver.)
- Kiraboshi Distance (綺羅星ディスタンス, Glittering Star Distance)
- Green Dazzling Light ~ Climax ver.